雅思口语| solution解决措施类题型怎么回答?
How could the traffic in cities be improved?
Well,I guess congestion could be reduced in a number of ways.For example,one thing would be to increase the number of car lanes,because in so doing,cars would have more space to drive around. So that's one thing, and I suppose maybe another possibility might be to introduce a congestion charge, like they've already done in some cities around the world,as by doing this,people would think twice before getting into their cars. 我觉得交通拥堵可以通过很多办法来解决。比如一条是增加车道。因为这么做的话,汽车有更多空间开来开去。这是一个方法。另外一个比较可行的办法是造成拥堵要交罚款。这个其实世界上蛮多国家已经这么做了。这么做的话,很多人开车之前就会多想一下。
1 因为是解决措施类话题,所以给到的是一些建议,我们可以看到would, could 等情态动词的使用。
2 连接词:
for example,
one thing would be
I suppose maybe another possibility might be
by doing this
3 承上启下:
So that's one thing
4 高分词汇:
car lanes
think twice
How do you think noise in cities could be reduced?
Thinking about it,I guess there are a number of things that could be done,one of which would be to impose a fine on companies or individuals who make excessive noise, especially construction companies, because I'd say they're, by far,the biggest culprits. And as well as this, maybe another thing might be to ban vehicles from hooting, because it's one of the noisiest sounds in cities,and so I'm sure they would become a lot quieter without cars hooting all the time. 说到这个,我觉得有好多方法是可行的,一个是针对制造噪音和公司和个人收罚款,毕竟他们是问题的成因。除此之外,我觉得阻止车辆鸣笛也是可行的,因为城市里最大的噪音就是这个。我相信要是不鸣笛了,城市会安静多了。
1 总述 I guess there are a number of things that could be done
2 因为是解决措施类话题,所以给到的是一些建议,我们可以看到would, could ,might等情态动词的使用。
3 连接词:
one of which would be
And as well as this
4 高分词汇:
make excessive noise 发出过大的吵闹声
culprit 罪魁祸首
ban vehicles from hooting禁止车辆鸣笛
5 they're, by far,the biggest culprits 注意by far 一般是和比较级和最高级连用
6 I'd say 口语化
What can the government do about pollution?
Well I guess they could do a number of things,one of which would be to encourage people to reduce their carbon footprint,in other words,become more environmentally- friendly. And one way of doing this,I suppose,might be to introduce a system whereby people are paid for recycling stuff,such as empty bottles and cans,otherwise they have
no incentive/ɪnˈsentɪv/ . 可以做很多事。其中一个是鼓励人们减少碳排放量,换句话说变得更加环保,举个例子,我们可以引进一个制度,一个可以通过回收东西得到钱的制度。比如空瓶子,易拉罐,要不然人们没有动力。
1 因为是解决措施类话题,所以给到的是一些建议,我们可以看到would, could ,might等情态动词的使用。
2 高分词汇:
reduce their carbon footprint 减少碳足迹
environmentally- friendly 环保的
whereby 凭借,借此
incentive 激励,刺激
3 连接:
in other words
one way of doing this
such as
4 口语化:
Well I guess
How can children be encouraged to play less computer games and more sports?
That's a tough question,because it's practically impossible tearing a child away from a computer screen when they're busy playing a game,but I guess one thing that could be done would be to make sports more appealing by providing more sports facilities.So,in other words,if a child only has to walk five minutes to get to a basketball court,he's much more likely to play basketball than if he had to catch a bus for half an hour. 这个问题真是难倒我了。因为当一个小孩在玩游戏的时候,把他/她从屏幕前拉开几乎是不太可能。不过我觉得一个可行的办法是提供一些运动设施,让运动变得更吸引人。换句话说,如果一个小孩只需要走5分钟就能到篮球场,他就更有可能去打球了。但如果得坐公交车半小时才能到,他们可能就不想打了。
1 That's a tough question 拖延策略,没有立刻想到思路可以这么干。
2 副词:practically几乎
3 高分词汇:
tear sb. away from 把某人和......分离
make sth. more appealing 让......变得有趣
basketball court 篮球场
much more likely to 更有可能
4 连接词:
but I guess one thing that could be done would be
in other words
How should parents educate their children before they start school?
That's a tough question and I'm no expert,but I guess one thing they should do is encourage their children in everything they do,even if they make mistakes,because this'll help build children's confidence and self-esteem.So that's one thing,and I guess another good thing for parents to do would be to read stories,especially ones with good moral values,because all children love stories,and,in this way,they'll be learning things without even realizing it. 这个问题好难呀,我也不是个专家。但是我觉得其中一种方法是鼓励孩子们做的任何事,即使他们犯错。因为这样能帮他们建立信心,树立自尊,这是一方面,另一点我觉得是读故事,尤其是有正确价值观的故事。因为小孩子都喜欢故事。这么做小孩子在无意中学东西。
1 That's a tough question and I'm no expert 拖延策略
2 连接:
but I guess one thing they should do is
even if
So that's one thing,and I guess another good thing for parents to do would be
in this way
3 高分词汇:
build children's confidence and self-esteem 树立孩子的自信和自尊
good moral values 好的道德观
4 时态:
they'll be learning things 将来进行时