安慰不了自己的话,居然可以安慰别人。If you can't comfort yourself, you can comfort others.不迷失方向,不辜负自己,就是对自己生活最好的回报。Don't lose your way and live up to yourself is the best reward for your life.当你心平气和地遇到了曾经的遗憾,那时候你才算真正的放下。When you calmly met the regret, then you can really put it down.

只有平稳地接受了生活带来的糟糕的结果和无奈,你才算正在的长大。Only by smoothly accepting the bad results and helplessness brought by life, can you be regarded as growing up.你还满意小时候心心念念都要长大的生活吗?Are you still satisfied with the life you wanted to grow up when you were a child?遇到凡事还是要自己扛,因为人心是最善变的。You have to carry everything on your own, because people are the most changeable.

为了不让自己的心累,也为了不碍别人的眼,所以你们的世界我不去了。In order not to let their own heart tired, but also in order not to hinder other people's eyes, so your world I do not go.没有人给你添油加醋就不错了,不要再妄想有人会雪中送炭了。No one to add fuel to your good, do not delusion that someone will be timely.如果你懂我的绝望和不甘心,那你会不会回来找我?If you understand my despair and unwillingness, will you come back to me?

现在再也不想要小时候得不到了,这就是真正的成熟。Now I don't want to get it when I was a child any more. That's true maturity.我再也不敢主动去联络一段感情了,我宁愿错过了。I don't dare to contact a relationship any more. I'd rather miss it.多希望这一次还是我们的赌气说分手,而不是真正的错过了。I hope that this time or our angry break up, rather than really missed.你话里话外所带的敷衍和厌倦,已经可以说明一切了。The perfunctoriness and boredom you bring in and out of your words can already explain everything.