很具有参考意义的CCIE lab组合,快戳进来看知识点吧!

My Feedback
Troubleshooting : TS1
Diagnostics : H3
Configuration : H2+
General recommendation: don't memorize, understand it, understand the technology and understand the scenario.
the good thing about SPOTO is that it draws your attention to the areas you have missed in your training. I don't think I could pass without SPOTO workbooks.
A little of my history, I started with INE, reviewed all videos, main CCIE course in INE is more than 100 hours training, it took more than 300 hours to review them all in the first time. Second time I did the review and take a note, old school style pencil and normal paper notebook (it has been very useful when I needed to review small things and refresh my memory). then I started to do the practice for all INE practices. I had a VMWare env and Cisco CSR (virtual router). if required, I reviewed some of the INE training for the third time and updated my notes.
After all of the training with INE, I moved to SPOTO and started to practice on SPOTO workbook. for the SPOTO workbook, I tried to understand what is the whole scenario, why these kind of requirement are in place and tried to map them to some kind of work requirement. it helped me to understand the traffic flow and logic behind the SPOTO workbooks.
Troublshooting - TS1
I did all the SPOTO TS Labs and get completely familiar with the scenario, I finished the TS in 90 Min.
Diagnostics - H3
Same as Spoto's workbook.
Configuration - H2+
General speaking a lot compatible with SPOTO work book, only 4.1 about QOS, it was saying "do not use access list". I left it un-answered.
Basic config (time consuming) were already done, e.g. putting the branch routers in the VRF and re-enter the IP address. it was good as you can focus on main items.
Important note: although basic configs where there, some of the IP addresses where not configured properly, I was troubleshooting the BGP connection and finally realized that the IP address is not based on the diagram. So, verify the IPs and basic config. one router-id not configured correctly and one BGP network command, was used for a loopback interface with the wrong IP, needed to correct the network in BGP.
Try to have some kind of guideline for yourself, I explain more, I had in my mind that I have to put 6 of "ip nhrp" command in tunnel, then I put the rest of commands in front of each (e.g ip nhrp nhs during the exam , there is a lot of stress, I didn't want to forget one command and waste my time for troubleshooting, so for configuration of the DMVPN, I knew that I need 6 "ip nhrp" and 4 "tunnel " commands. Similar concept for iBGP or MPLS.
My last recommendation, keep the last half an hour, I did one more review for the whole requirements and realized some small items were missed, fixed them and verified again.
Good luck all in your hard way and God bless you and your family
(CCIE path gives you and your family a hard time)}