大学生不如狗系列 || 论如何睡九个小时下是什么样的体验

大学狗想每天睡足9个小时?too young too naive啊!学哥学姐们不会告诉你的是:你在图书馆呆的时间将会比宿舍里面多,你抱着字典睡觉的时间会比枕头长,可能你这一辈子谁的时间最少的时候就是当一名光荣的美利坚大学狗的日子,今天小编我来带你看看,睡的时间越来越少是种怎样的体验。
Sleeping is one of your favourite things to do in the world, and you need to do a lot of it.

The scientists need to run their tests again: Eight hours’ sleep isn’t enough. You need at least nine hours to be a happily functioning human.

If you don’t enough get sleep, bad things happen.

Seven hours leaves you unpleasantly dazed and confused.

Less than seven hours and you feel raw, like your skin’s been peeled off.

But the world says “NO, you must be in work or school for 9am!” And so you are always sleep-deprived.

You’ve tried going to bed earlier, but there’s just too much good TV and internet.

You don’t understand why the working day can’t just be 10am-5pm. Then everyone would be happy.

Weekends are amazing because you can revert to your natural state.
If you get less than nine hours’ sleep, you’ll need to sneak off for a nap at about 3:31pm.

Of course if you work, you can’t really do that.

Although the office toilets are a good call if you’re desperate.

You don’t enjoy hearing successful people boast about how they wake up at 4am to work out or write their novel.

Because people who need nine hours’ sleep have less time each day to achieve things. For this reason you will probably never be super powerful and successful.

Except when it comes to napping. You’re one of the most powerful and successful nappers you know.

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