
原文:Wallerstein, Immanuel. 2000. “From Sociology to Historical Social Science: Prospects and Obstacles.” The British Journal of Sociology 51 (1): 25–35.



The golden era of sociology as a discipline was probably 1945–1965, when its scientific tasks seemed clear, its future guaranteed, and its intellectual leaders sure of themselves.


The era in which sociology was born and has lived until recently was suffused with historical optimism, based on widespread confidence in the unlimited virtue and endless future development of technology. It was anera in which intellectuals believed in human progress not only as something that was good in itself but as something that was historically inevitable.


Sociologists built on this vision to create the concept of modernity, which term was designed to denote the more recent of two alternatives in a binary conceptualization of the world’s social possibilities: contract rather than status, Gesellschaft rather than Gemeinschaft, organic rather than mechanical solidarity, and so forth. These binary concepts permitted us to create elaborate descriptions of the modern world and the ways in which it was said to differ from 'traditional society.’


There existed two main dissenting variations on the liberal grand narrative. One was conservative; one was radical. The conservative dissent expressed doubts about the inevitability of the liberalvision, and even more about its desirability. There were conservative sociologists, to be sure. But sociology as a field was not very receptive totheir message, and never gave their theoretical ideas much space. In order tosurvive in intellectual milieus, conservatives had to renounce their more reactionary instincts and remold their arguments into a version that incorporated an evolutionary process, although to be sure it was one that nonetheless maintained the desirability and inevitability of hierarchy in the finaloutcome. Hegelian thought offered a logic on which such theses could be built, and its emphasis on the State was compatible with the ever-spreading sense of national identities.

The main radical alternative was Marxism, which offered a variant of the liberal vision that was more coherent than that provided by conservatism, but it was also one that was less different from liberalism. Essentially, Marxism laid emphasis on the fact that the present era was not the ultimate but only the penultimate moment in historical progress. This revision of the scenario had important consequences for the analysis ofthe present (  'class conflict’ ) and for political action ( 'revolution’ ), but Marxism shared with liberalism the belief in the centrality of abinary conceptualization of the present, and of the inevitability of progress.



The self-image of sociologists as social workers, or as the theorists of social workers, provides a key to the real definition of the activity of sociologists. Indeed, the world of the financial sponsors ( states, foundations and so on ) was particularly attracted to this concern of sociologists, without which sociologists would have received even less financial support than they in fact did.


So one major question before us is whether the twenty-first century promises a linear thrust forward of technology and modernity ( whether called globalization or post-modernity or whatever ) or whether it portends a collapse of the existing world-system.


The natural scientists won acceptance for their claims. The Western world, which by then had become the centre of a capitalist world-economy that would come to encompass the entire globe in the nineteenth century, enthroned a scientific epistemology as the preferred mode of knowledge. In defensive retreat, a counter-view, a different epistemology, hermeneutic and humanistic, asserted itself as 'non-scientific’ and laid battle.

From circa 1850 to circa 1970, the world university system had separate faculties of the natural sciences and of humanities pulling epistemologically in opposite directions, with the social sciences located in-between and being pulled apart by these two strong forces.


Basically, the sciences of complexity have challenged the fundamental model of modern science, sometimes called the Baconian/Cartesian/Newtonian model, which was determinist, reductionist, and linear. The new group argues that this older and dominant model, far from describing the totality of natural phenomena, in fact is descriptive of very special and limited cases. The scientists of complexity invert almost all thepremises of Newtonian mechanics, insisting on the 'arrow of time’ and the 'end of certainties.’


Today, we have scientists of complexity using language more consonant with the discourse of social science  ( the arrow of time ) and advocates of cultural studies doing the same ( social-rootedness of values and aesthetic judgments ). Both these groups are growing in strength. The model is becoming centripetal in the sense that the two extremes ( science and the humanities ) are moving in the direction of the in-between centre (social science), and to some degree on the centre’s terms.



Perhaps social scientists can help to clarify the issues and thereby promote a new synthesis which would reunify the epistemological bases of the structures of knowledge. Perhaps not, but we shall not know unless we try.

The third scenario, perhaps less likely but probably more desirable, is that social scientists themselves take the lead in reunifying and redividing social science so as to create a more intelligent division of labour, one that would permit signiŽcant intellectual advance in the twenty-fiŽrst century.


I think such a reunification could only be achieved on the basis of considering that we are all pursuing a singular task, which I call historical social science, to underline that it must be based on the epistemological assumption that all useful descriptions of social reality arenecessarily simultaneously 'historical’ ( that is, they take into account notonly the specificity of the situation but the continual and endless changes in the structures under study as well as in their environing structures ) and 'social scientific’( that is, they search for structural explanations of the longue durée, the explanations for which, however, are not and cannot be eternal ). In short, process would be at the centre of the methodology.

接着,沃勒斯坦又继续详述了一下这种历史社会科学的综合性与世界性特征,在这里,沃勒斯坦与布迪厄的倡导颇为类似,都很有左派的理想,那就是:“全世界知识分子,联合起来!”(沃勒斯坦还说,这要求所有社会科学家都要能够:read scholarly work in Žfive to seven languages,惭愧惭愧,我连英语都还没学好……):

In such a reunified ( and eventually redivided ) social science, it would not be possible to assume a significant divide between economic, political, and sociocultural arenas ( no ceteris paribus clauses allowed, even provisionally ). And we would have to be very careful about the 'we’ and the 'other’. Instead of drawing a line between the modern and thepre-modern, the civilized and the barbaric, the advanced and the backward ( which we continue to do in so many subtle and not so subtle ways ), historical social scientists have to incorporate the tension of universal–particular intothe centre of their work, and subject all zones, all groups, all strata to the same kind of critical analysis.

