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Prediction Score for Postoperative Neurologic Complications after Brain Tumor Craniotomy



方  法

研究纳入一个中心里从2008年至2012年接受择期脑瘤开颅手术共1094名患者的前瞻性特定数据库,在研究队列中得到一个分数。对在2013 - 2015年法国6所大学医院830例多中心独立队列进行验证。主要结局变量是需要重症监护病房处理的术后神经并发症(颅内高血压、颅内出血、癫痫持续状态、呼吸衰竭、意识受损、意外运动障碍)。采用结合Lasso (least absolute shrinkage and selec-tion operator)建模方法对潜在风险因素进行logistic回归选择。

结  果


结  论



Lonjaret L, Guyonnet M, Berard E, et al. Postoperative complications after craniotomy for brain tumour surgery[J]. Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine, 2016, 36(4).

Background: Craniotomy for brain tumor displays significant morbidity and mortality, and no score is available to discriminate high-risk patients. Our objective was to validate a prediction score for postoperative neurosurgical complications in this setting. 

Methods: Creation of a score in a learning cohort from a prospective specific database of 1,094 patients undergoing elective brain tumor craniotomy in one center from 2008 to 2012. The validation cohort was validated in a prospective multicenter independent cohort of 830 patients from 2013 to 2015 in six university hospitals in France. The primary outcome variable was postoperative neurologic complications requiring in intensive care unit management (intracranial hypertension, intracranial bleeding, status epilepticus, respiratory failure, impaired consciousness, unexpected motor deficit). The least absolute shrinkage and selection operator method was used for potential risk factor selection with logistic regression.

 Results: Severe complications occurred in 125 (11.4%) and 90 (10.8%) patients in the learning and validation cohorts, respectively. The independent risk factors for severe complications were related to the patient (Glasgow Coma Score before surgery at or below 14, history of brain tumor surgery), tumor characteristics (greatest diameter, cerebral midline shift at least 3 mm), and perioperative management (transfusion of blood products, maximum and minimal systolic arterial pressure, duration of surgery). The positive predictive value of the score at or below 3% was 12.1%, and the negative predictive value was 100% in the learning cohort. In intensive care unit mortality was observed in eight (0.7%) and six (0.7%) patients in the learning and validation cohorts, respectively.

Conclusions: The validation of prediction scores is the first step toward on-demand intensive care unit admission. Further research is needed to improve the score s performance before routine use.




编辑:余晓旭   审校:王贵龙

