这里和大家分享Mentour 机长的视频,在飞行中遇到医疗紧急状况时,飞行员会如何应对。另外视频里有一些不常见的英语单词,各位可以顺便学习。
0042:we've been covering pilots incapacitation.
pilot Incapacitation, 飞行员失能0140:but we also have anything ranging from you know severe diarrhoea to sudden increase of fever to fainting in flight
diarrhoea,腹泻 fainting,晕厥because it's important that there's no ambiguity in the way that these kind of briefings are being given,
ambiguity 含糊不清,模凌两可and I also want to know what the chief complaints are.
complaints 疾病
we're talking about something that mimics a stroke is a just fainting.
mimics 类似 stroke 中风What kind of symptoms is the person showing?
symptoms 症状
a mayday call will initiate different protocols for ATC
protocols 协议
We try to get down expeditiously to help the passenger,
expeditiously 迅速地
10:00 While we're doing this, ATC might give us what's called a discrete frequency.
discrete 分离,单独的
11:04 someone will pitch up.
pitch up 露面 ——这里是有人会毛遂自荐,而非姿态上仰11:11 They can advice on what to do but not actually treated the patient or give any any kind of medicines,
patient 病人 medicine 药That's an entity that gets involved in case we would have a passenger on board was showing signs of a communal communicable diseases
communal 公共的 communicable 传染性的 diseases 疾病
such as cholera, typhoid
cholera 霍乱 typhoid 伤寒
or Ebola, which is the most recent plague that hits down in Africa
Ebola 埃博拉 plague 瘟疫
当飞机上出现医疗紧急情况,暨有旅客出现 心脏病,中风,晕厥等症状,需要紧急医疗救护的情况。此时乘务员会第一时间赶到旅客身边,对旅客进行救护。乘务员通常学习过一些简单的急救知识,但并非专业的医护人员。她们会放平旅客座椅,安抚生病旅客,调整旁边其他旅客的座位,使用机上氧气瓶和急救包等。