6.文明起源争议 《忽然》连载
The Second Story: Dispute Over the Origins of Civilization
6. 争议核心在中国
6. China as the Focus of Dispute
6.1 中国文明西来说研究史
6.1 Researches on Chinese Civilization
听了刚才的故事,大家一定认为全球人类发展不仅是连续的,而且是一体的 吧?但实际上学术界却不这样认为。
You are mistaken if you believe that global civilizations were sequential and continuous as an integrated one originated from one of the regions above. Today, the mainstream of the academic world is that global civilizations are unexceptionally independent in origin. All textbooks published in China say so, but it is my belief that they are wrong!
今天学术界的主流观点是::全球各地文明是独立起源的 。起码中国的教科 书如此表述,并且进入到中国的全球史著作皆如此。
本世纪初根据分子人类学确立的“人类出非洲”,从根本上动摇了传统的“各 地文明独立起源说”。因为人类起源与文明起源具有一定的同构性,人类的迁徙 路径与移动规律有一定的可比性。有人才有文明嘛。人类是在西部先出现的,所 以西部文明比东部发达合情合理。
At the beginning of this century, molecular anthropologists proposed the theory of “human going out of Africa” that fundamentally destabilized the traditional assumption of “independent origin” based on the independent origin of human beings across the globe. Besides, since the origins of human and civilization are isomorphic, human migration path and laws of movement are practically the same. As is known, civilizations came arond with the advent of human beings. That is why cultures or civilizations in the west used to be more advanced than those in the east of the old continent.
( 现代人母系线粒体迁徙与分布示意图,与父系大同小异。母系遗传主要分三大 支系 L、M、N。L 基本没出非洲,M 向东,N 支系主要向西部分向东。/The mitochondria of modern human )
( 大约 5000-3500 年前的世界文明核心在泛地中海东部。/ The center of the global civilization was close to the east coast of Mediterranean )
我们看到,旧石器时代一直都没有改变人类文明重心稳居旧大陆西部的格 局。但在后来文明迁移的速度越来越快。比如旧石器时代早期大约 200 万年的重心都在非洲,之后的几十万年稳居欧洲,然后转移到中东地区则仅只持续了大约 1 万年,从中东转移到欧洲只用了几千年,从旧大陆到美洲则只用了 500 年,从 美洲到东亚只有大约 100 多年。
It is clear that the center of human development never moved out of the west of the old world at the beginning, but later the speed of migration and development became increasingly fast. The center was in Africa for about 2 million years from the beginning of the Palaeolithic Age and after that it moved to Europe and stayed there for hundreds of thousands of years. Ten thousand years ago, it went into Turkey and remained there only for a short time before it entered Mesopotamia and Egypt. It took several thousand years for it to come back to Europe and it did not arrive in the Americas until 500 years later.
( 韩国人父系 Y 染色体组成 ) 略
It is obvious that global civilizations continued regularly in line with geographical principles. The whole world shared the same origin and all the civilizations were spread from one region. It is my belief that Chinese civilization was influenced by the west. My idea is not original considering that many scholars used to devote themselves to these question. But the difference is that they were all discredited.
很明显,全球文明是是连续性的,是有地缘原则的,是有规律的,也是大致 同源一体的全球同源传播扩散关系。而且,中国文明主要是从西部来的。
我的这个观点其实也不算新,无论是“全球文明同源”还是“中国文明西来 说”,19 世纪甚至更早就有人猜想或研究过,不过都被彻底推翻了。
但科学研究中常常会出现剧情大逆转,连牛顿和爱因斯坦也会出错,所以, 文明起源问题我们也是可以继续商榷的。
(Theory of “hyper diffusion” advanced in the 19th century originated from Egypt )(不知原因正常图上不来 只能找个像素低的)
中国文明起源问题,是全球文明起源中的重要组成部分。假如中国这一环的 研究是错误的,整体的全球文明同源链就不可能成立。所以,要重新解释世界文 明同源问题,就必须回到中国文明的起源问题。
The research on the origin of Chinese civilization is the most important in the world. If the studies on Chinese civilization were mistaken, then those on the origin of global civilization would go wrong. Therefore we must go back to the analysis of the origin of Chinese civilization.
中国文明西来说曾经是 20 世纪上 半叶很兴盛的一种理论 。但是后来抗 日期间为提振民族自信心,中国人就不 太让提“西来说”了。从一开始“中国 文明西来说”的研究就被政治化,偏离 了科学。
“西来说”彻底被打倒还是在“文 革”当中。
The western origin of China was very popular in the country during the first half of the 20th century. But as time went on, the theory became unpopular among Chinese scholars because of the Anti-Japanese War ( 1937-1945 ). This theory was also severely criticized during the Great Cultural Revolution ( 1966-1976 ).
海外的国际顶尖华裔史学家何柄棣先生也对中国 文明独立起源说做出了积极呼应。他支持中国文明独 立起源说。
Ho Ping-ti,( 1917~2012), the famous international historian abroad, also joined the discussion and became one of the advocates of the theory of independent origin.
“文革”后的中国考古权威,中科院考古研究所所长夏鼐先生,总结性地出 版了《中国文明的起源》,他认为:“中国文明还是在中国土地上土生土长”。 这两位重量级权威等于彻底判了“西来说”的死刑。从此“中国文明独立起源” 成为“定论”。
After the Great Culture Revolution, Xia Nai, an expert from the Chinese archaeological circle, published the book On the Origin of Chinese Civilization in which he concluded that Chinese civilization originated in China. The two iconic figures practically “put to death” the theory of western origin at least in China.
( Xiai Nai / 夏 鼐 ,1910-1985)
But now I believe they are both mistaken.