Plant J|一种快速检测农杆菌浸润叶片中丁香假单胞菌生长的方法

目前模式植物病原菌丁香假单胞菌(Pseudomonas Syringae)与植物寄主相互作用的研究存在较长的转化过程。在这里,我们提出了一种简单的方法,称为农单胞菌,我们用一种抗生素的鸡尾酒来选择平板上的丁香疫霉菌,以量化紫丁香菌在农业渗透的烟叶中的生长。我们证明了PAMP受体的瞬时表达减少了细菌的生长,并且在农单胞菌检测中,宿主免疫基因的瞬时耗尽和III型效应器的瞬时表达增加了紫丁香菌的生长。


The lengthy process to generate transformed plants is a limitation in current research on the interactions of the model plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae with plant hosts. Here we present an easy method called agromonas, where we quantify P. syringae growth in agroinfiltrated leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana using a cocktail of antibiotics to select P. syringae on plates. As a proof of concept, we demonstrate that transient expression of PAMP receptors reduces bacterial growth, and that transient depletion of a host immune gene and transient expression of a type‐III effector increase P. syringae growth in agromonas assays. We show that we can rapidly achieve structure−function analysis of immune components and test the function of immune hydrolases. The agromonas method is easy, fast and robust for routine disease assays with various Pseudomonas strains without transforming plants or bacteria. The agromonas assay offers a reliable approach for further comprehensive analysis of plant immunity.


Agromonas: a rapid disease assay for Pseudomonas syringae growth in agroinfiltrated leaves10.1111/tpj.15056




