坐飞机,为了女朋友,多捅几刀,也值得。生物技术,计算机技术,汉语言文学,语言学,数学,哲学等专业,出国美国,10万,组织,清流,政治立场,四渡赤水,佯装主力,调动对手,以弱胜强,集中优势,歼敌主力。文化教育思想革命,底线,开发一线市场,留守儿童,单亲家庭,工人农民,个体工商户,教师,企业家,科研人员,公务员,等的子女,不管遇到多大的困难,不妥协不放弃不抛弃,羊肉,最好吃,不吃草,要吃肉。鸡,放养,肉质鲜嫩,马,吃夜草,咏鹅,诗,寄情,观沧海,咏志,孙武纪念园,宿枫桥,白鹤寺,几何原本,万有引力定律,微积分,解析几何,电磁感应定律,相对论,路都是小孩走出来的,革命,0,无穷小量,正负无穷大量。It's also worth stabbing a few more for your girlfriend by plane. Biotechnology, computer technology, Chinese language and literature, linguistics, mathematics, philosophy and other majors, went abroad to the United States, 100,000, organization, clear stream, political stance, crossed the Chishui four times, pretended to be the main force, mobilized opponents, defeated the strong with the weak, and concentrated the advantage. Main force to wipe out the enemy. The cultural and educational ideological revolution, the bottom line, the development of the first-line market, children of left-behind children, single-parent families, workers and peasants, self-employed households, teachers, entrepreneurs, scientific researchers, civil servants, etc., no matter how difficult they encounter, do not give up without compromise Abandon, lamb, it is best to eat, do not eat grass, eat meat. Chicken, stocking, fresh meat, horse, eating night grass, chanting goose, poetry, sentiment, watching the sea, chanting, Sun Wu Memorial Garden, Sufeng Bridge, Baihe Temple, the original geometry, the law of gravity, calculus, analytic geometry, electricity The law of magnetic induction, the theory of relativity, and the road are all made by children. Revolution, 0, infinitely small, plus or minus infinitely large.