英国风景画家理查德·帕克斯·博宁顿 (Richard Parkes Bonington,1802-1828年)

英国风景画家理查德·帕克斯·博宁顿 (Richard Parkes Bonington,1802-1828年)英国风景画家理查德·帕克斯·博宁顿(Richard Parkes Bonington,1802-1828年)图片来源于:互联网

Normandy landscape near Lillebonne1823

View near Rouenc. 1825

Henri IV and the Spanish Ambassadorc. 1825

Odalisque in Red1827

Venice: the Piazzettac. 1826

Henri IV and the Spanish Ambassador

A Sea Piece

Lady and Page

On the Seine near Mantes

Bologna: the Leaning Towersc. 1826


Venice: the Piazza San Marco1828

Sunset in the Pays de Caux1828


Anne Page and Slenderc. 1825

The Crucifixionc. 1825

The Arabian Nights1825

The Earl of Surrey and Fair Geraldine

Venice: the Doge\\\'s Palace from the Ponte della Pagliac. 1828

Fishing Boats

Charles V visits François Ier after the Battle of Pavia

The Antiquary

Odalisque in Yellow1826

Souvenir of Van Dyck

La Siesta1828

Lady and Cavalier1826

Milan: Interior of Sant\\\' Ambrogio1827

The Great Staircase of a French Château1825

The Letter1827

Turk Reposing1826

François 1er and Marguerite de Navarrec. 1827-28

Child at Prayer

Old Man and Child1827

Henri III1828

Landscape with Timber Wagon

A Lady dressing her Hair1827

A Venetian Scenec. 1828

On the Coast of Picardy

Roadside Halt

Boats on the Shore of Normandyc. 1825

Parterre d\\\'eau in Versailes1826

Calais Pier Low Tidec. 1818

View of the Coast of Normandy

Boulogne Harbourc. 1818

View of the Lagoon of Venice

Port de Peche Boulognec. 1818

Shipping off Calais Pierc. 1818-19

Port de Peche Boulognec. 1818

François I and the Duchess d'Etampes

Ships in a Harbour possibly Le Havrec. 1818-19

Marinec. 1818-19

The Count of Palatino in the costume of a Palikar

