
《经济学人》5月8日最新一期刊登了一篇文章,原文标题:The real reasons some languages are harder to learn,副标题是:They slice up the messy reality of life differently from your own(它们以不同于你自己的方式将混乱的现实生活分割开来)。



When considering which foreign languages to study, some people shy away from those that use a different alphabet. Those random-looking squiggles seem to symbolise the impenetrability of the language, the difficulty of the task ahead.


So it can be surprising to hear devotees of Russian say the alphabet is the easiest part of the job. The Cyrillic script, like the Roman one, has its origins in the Greek alphabet. As a result, some letters look the same and are used near identically. Others look the same but have different pronunciations, like the Pin Cyrillic, which stands for an r-sound. For Russian, that cuts the task down to only about 20 entirely new characters. These can comfortably be learned in a week, and soon mastered to the point that they present little trouble. An alphabet, in other words, is just an alphabet. A few tricks aside (such as the occasional omission of vowels), other versions do what the Roman one does: represent sounds.

因此,当听到俄语爱好者说字母表是学习中最容易的部分时,你可能会感到惊讶。西里尔字母和罗马字母一样,起源于希腊字母。因此,一些字母看起来相同,使用也几乎相同。其他的看起来一样,但是发音不同,比如代表r音的Pin Cyrillic。对于俄罗斯人来说,这就把学习任务减少到只有大约20个全新的字母。这些技巧可以在一周内轻松地学会,而且很快就能掌握,不会造成什么麻烦。换句话说,字母表只是一个字母表。除了一些技巧(比如偶尔省略元音),其他版本的字母也都和罗马字母一样:代表声音。

Foreign languages really become hard when they have features that do not appear in your own—things you never imagined you would have to learn. Which is another way of saying that languages slice up the messy reality of experience in strikingly different ways.


This is easily illustrated with concrete vocabulary. Sometimes the meanings of foreign words and their English equivalents overlap but don’t match exactly. Danish, for instance, does not have a word for “wood”; it just uses “tree” (trae). Or consider colours, which lie on a spectrum that different languages segment differently. In Japanese, ao traditionally refers to both green and blue. Some green items are covered by a different word, midori, but aoapplies to some vegetables and green traffic lights (which, to make matters more confusing, are slightly blueish in Japan). As a result, ao is rather tricky to wield.


Life becomes tougher still when other languages make distinctions that yours ignores. Russian splits blue into light (goluboi) and dark (sinii); foreigners can be baffled by what to call, say, a mid-blue pair of jeans. Plenty of other “basic” English words are similarly broken down in their foreign corollaries. “Wall” and “corner” seem like simple concepts, until you learn languages that sensibly distinguish between a city’s walls and a bedroom’s (German Mauerversus Wand), interior corners and street corners (Spanish rincónand esquina), and so on.

当其他语言的区别被你的语言所忽视时,生活会变得更加艰难。俄语将蓝色分为浅色(goluboi)和深色(sinii);外国人可能会对称呼它们例如“一条中蓝色的牛仔裤”而感到困惑。很多其他的 '基本 '英语单词也同样被分解成了外国语的对应词。在你学会某些语言之前,'墙 '和 '角 '似乎是很简单的概念。这些语言能够合理区分城市的墙和卧室的墙(德语Mauerversus Wand),室内角落和街角(西班牙语rincón和esquina),等等。

These problems are tractable on their own; you don’t often have to refer to a corner in casual conversation. But when other languages make structural distinctions missing from your native tongue—often in the operation of verbs—the mental effort seems never-ending. English has verbs-of-all-work that seem straightforward enough until you try to translate them. In languages like German, “put” is divided into verbs that signify hanging, laying something flat and placing something tall and thin. “Go” in Russian is a nightmare, with a suite of verbs distinguishing walking and travelling by vehicle, one-way and round trips, single and repeated journeys, and other niceties. You can specify all these things in English if you want to; the difference is that in Russian, you must.


Sometimes verb systems force choices on speakers not only for individual verbs, but for all of them. Many English-speakers are familiar with languages, such as French and Italian, which have two different past tenses, for completed actions and for habitual or continued ones. But verb systems get much more exotic than that.


“Evidential” languages require a verb ending that shows how the speaker knows that the statement made is true. Turkish is one of them; others, such as a cluster in the Amazon, have particularly complex—and obligatory—evidentiality rules. Many languages mark subjects and direct objects of sentences in distinct ways. But in Basque, subjects of intransitive verbs (those that take no direct object) look like direct objects themselves, while subjects of transitive verbs get a special form. If Martin catches sight of Diego, Basques say the equivalent of “Martineksees Diego.”

“证据性”语言要求有一个动词结尾,表明说话者如何知道所做的陈述是真的。土耳其语就是其中之一;其他的,比如亚马逊河流域的一个部落,有特别复杂和强制性的证据规则。许多语言用不同的方式标记句子的主语和直接宾语。但在巴斯克语中,不及物动词(不带直接宾语的动词)的主语看起来就像直接宾语本身,而及物动词的主语则有一种特殊的形式。如果马丁看到了迭戈,巴斯克人就会说相当于 'Martineksees Diego'的话。

In the end, the “hard” languages to learn are not those that do what your own language does in a new way. They are the ones that make you constantly pay attention to distinctions in the world that yours blithely passes over. It is a bit like a personal trainer putting you through entirely new exercises. You might have thought yourself fit before, but the next day you will wake up sore in muscles you never knew you had.




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