

Instead, he says, the government’s role should be in creating policy incentives for workers to invest in human capital, their employees, in the same way that it incentivizes companies to upgrade their research and development and infrastructure: through tax incentives.
Another solution starts well before mid-career workers stagnate, Warner says: improving the education system for teens and young adults who may not be headed to college. He calls that K-through-12.5 education and says that it could be implemented easily with little economic burden.
solution  / səˈlu:ʃn /  n. 解决办法
stagnate /stæɡˈneit/ v. 停滞
be headed to … 超……出发
implement  /ˈimpliment/ v. 贯彻;执行
economic burden 经济负担
k-12 (从幼儿园到12年级的儿童教育)
Another solution starts well before mid-career workers stagnate, Warner says: improving the education system for teens and young adults who may not be headed to college. He calls that K-through-12.5 education and says that it could be implemented easily with little economic burden.


Lawmakers are once again pushing U.S. EPA and other federal agencies to recognize the burning of biomass as a carbon-neutral energy source. But scientists say that could be a bad move for the climate.
