注意看Motty的耳朵很大,是显著的非洲象特征,但它的母亲耳朵相对小些,是亚洲象。但Motty仅存活了两个星期就不幸夭折。参考文献:[1]猫科内部的亲缘关系:Li, G.; Davis, B. W.; Eizirik, E.; Murphy, W. J. (2016). 'Phylogenomic evidence for ancient hybridization in the genomes of living cats (Felidae)'. Genome Research. 26 (1): 1−11.[2]胎盘哺乳动物内部亲缘关系:Esselstyn, Jacob A.; Oliveros, Carl H.; Swanson, Mark T.; Faircloth, Brant C. (2017-08-26). 'Investigating Difficult Nodes in the Placental Mammal Tree with Expanded Taxon Sampling and Thousands of Ultraconserved Elements'. Genome Biology and Evolution. 9 (9): 2308–2321.