Cover photo made by Hermione using Keynote Renaissance Theme这篇推送由地球上的青年人们共同完成。This is a post contributed by young people living on the Earth.1杨圆圆五四挑战第4项运动(种菜)The Fourth Challenge of 54challengesExercise (gardening)
杨圆圆供图photo by Yang yuanyuan一大早种了20棵番茄Started the morning with planting 20 tomatoes如果有对蔬菜水果花草感兴趣的,还可以在这篇推送里她进行2.6挑战时,分享的26种植物See more of her passion for gardening in this post:【2.6挑战更新1 Challenge update1】每个人更好的未来 Better Futures for everyone2Liya五四挑战第4项运动(包括走路)The Fourth Challenge of 54challengesExercise(walking)
Liya供图Photo by Liya我想要描述一下Liya一直以来给我的感受,写这句话的时候我就已经在笑了,而且脑内回荡着她魔性的笑。Liya给我的感受是暮春初夏的阳光洒青草地上,微风徐徐拂面,觉得温暖舒适。这个季节我最喜欢是因为不仅亲切温和,而且还积蓄着一股旺盛的夏日生长力。这样的朋友出现在生命中,人会常常克制不住笑意的。因为你们在一起做的事情,会让你意识到人世间多美好。A short description of my friend Liya:She is someone you can always laugh together.Just thinking of our time together can make me simle.She is someone like the grassland in the sunshine,at the season of spring moving to the summer,the climate is mild and you can see the lease of life.3David五四挑战的第三项分享心头好的书The Third Challenge of 54challengesSharing a book you like
2020-05-10 screenshot from: book is quirky and brilliant. It explores the significance for both mind and body in letting the rhythm of walking lead you in your relationship to planet Earth.这是一本怪奇而惊异的书。阅读它就是让行走的节奏带领着你去探索地球,建立起一种对身心都有意义的关系。
David供图photo by David熟悉我的人都知道我与David的渊源是五年前的GeoCapabilities。在我看来,他是一个特别愿意接受挑战的人,而且我觉得他对所有人特别包容有耐心。和他相处中我常常觉得他身体里的灵魂是年轻人的。很钦佩他从学术圈急流勇退之后,当然不是完全消失,还是GEReCo的网管。但他总是在看书、津津乐道他花园里的蜜蜂们以及他想要重拾童年的爱好,开始画画。这些都是我觉得他依然算是一个有生活热情与趣味的青年。虽然他发给我这张图片的时候,“阅读中感到自己与地球有联结感”的活动还没有并入“54挑战”,但因我拖延,而且希望参与GEO活动的各位都能看到彼此。我决定根据我对青年的定义,就看人心灵的年纪,他妥妥地比许多二三十岁的年轻人还要充满活力与朝气啊,就收录进来吧~Every person familiar with me knows David. We know each other due to the GeoCapabilities Project five years ago. From my perspective, he is someone who is very willing to take the challenge, and my experience is that he is very tolerant and patient to everyone. Getting along with him always confuses me about him lying a young mind in his body.I have felt impressed that he stepped down from the academia ( and still the webmaster for GEReCo) at this age. But I always see him reading a book, happy to talk about the bees in his garden, and how much he would love to continue his childhood passion- drawing. All these have built up his image as a young man who is passionate in living his life at the most.The time he sent me this challenge (the book you feel connected with the earth- for Earth Day and World Book Day) , I was not starting this 54 challenge yet. But due to my procrastination, and wanting everyone to 'see' others too, I would like to include this activity into the 54 challenge (the third one is to share a book you like)4Sharon五四挑战的第一项写激励我的女性The First Challenge of 54challengesWrite stories of women inspired me
Sharon供图photo by Sharon可能这是所有中国母亲的特点:坚强,隐忍,付出,永不成为孩子的负担。我的母亲是典型中的典型。本应早就去做黄斑全层裂孔修复手术的她,为了不影响我博士论文答辩,硬生生拖到了我答辩完当天。愿妈妈无恙!They are Chinese mothers: tough, forbearing, devoting, and always sparing the burden on children.My mother is a prototype.She ought to have repair surgery on full-thickness macular holes weeks ago. However, she delayed the surgery until my PhD oral defense day just for not distracting my preparation for the oral.Hope my mom will be safe and sound!陶理的话:绝对不建议效仿!绝对不建议效仿!绝对不建议效仿!这个行为令人感动但绝对不提倡。每个人都要先为自己争取最健康的身心。在这个基础上才可以更好地和爱的人生活更久,有更高的质量。选在母亲节(其实最早源自于美国一个家庭,但母爱无国界,每一个地球人都可以换着法儿,趁节日热度表达对妈妈的爱啊)这一天发布,更是要提醒身为人母的、即将为人母的读者们节日快乐,但每一天还是要先以自己的身心健康为第一要务。我妈妈在我11岁的时候出过车祸(被摩托车撞了)。我们有次聊到,她说当时脑子里最强烈的念头是:我要是没了,我的女儿多苦啊。这是非常强烈的支持她活下来的信念,也是之后休养康复过程中很重要的一个动力。当然现在她也逐渐意识到,不能为我而活。我们作为母女是非常紧密的,关爱彼此。但其实并非彼此,我们希望对方平安又身心健康,但哪怕是最厉害的医生也不能完全为另一个人的健康负责。所以要先对自己负责,照顾好自己的身心健康放在最重要的位置。Hermione's words:By no means do not follow nor get inspired by this.By no means do not follow nor get inspired by this.By no means do not follow nor get inspired by this.What sharon's mother do is touching but definitely not something one person should do. Everyone should start by getting the best health for oneself, both body and mind. It is on this basis that one can live longer and in a higher quality with beloved ones.Choosing to publish on Mother's Day ( in fact this one we are talking about originated from a family in America, but there is no border in mother's love, that is why everyone on this planet can think of ways to express your love to mum at this special day), I would like to remind readers who are mums, going to be mums, enjoy your day, but everyday you should feel your first major task is to keep yourself healthy in all ways.My mum had an accident (hit by a motorbike) when I was only 11. We were talking about this and she said the strongest idea in her mind at that severe time is: If I die, what a bitter life my daughter would have to bear. This is a significant strong belief she held, and also a motivation to keep her on track during recovery. Of course now, she gradually realised that she cannot just live for me. As mother and daughter, we are very much deeply connected, we care and love each other. But we are not the other person, we sincerely hope the other person is safe and healthy, but there are so many things beyond control, and even you are the best doctor, you cannot be fully responsible for the other adult. That is why one needs to first take up your responsbility to take care of your health, both in body and mind.5Victor五四挑战的第五项给青年写明信片The Fifth Challenge of 54challengesWrite a postcard to a young person
screenshot from a website shared by Victor: there!So I've decided to send you a prayer that has stick with me since I joined the boy scouts in my youth. It is the catholic scouts prayer. Even though I am agnostic, sometimes I find my self reciting it. If you go out camping at night in Chile, the clear skies of the southern hemisphere teach you about the incommensurability of nature, it is a deeply spiritual experience.Lord, teach me to be generous,to serve you as you deserve,to give and not to count the cost,to fight and not to heed the wounds,to toil and not to seek for rest,to labour and not to look for any reward,save that of knowing that I do your holy will.你好呀!我决定和你分享一篇我年轻时候参加童子军时就常伴我身边的一段祷词。这是天主教的童子军祷词。尽管我其实是不可知论者,有时候我还是发现自己竟然在背诵它。如果你去智利露营,南半球清朗的天空一定会教你自然的不可通约性,这是非常深层的精神体验。主,教我慷慨,您应得我的侍奉,给予但别计较成本,斗争但别不顾伤亡,辛勤不是为了休息,劳作不是为了回报,知是按您旨意行事。6ZCX五四挑战的第三项分享心头好的书The Third Challenge of 54challengesSharing a book you like
2020-05-10 screenshot from: in short, if you cannot read Chinese or Japanese, you have to miss her book review but you can read the book too.