从“粉雄救兵”谈到“一视同仁”再到“休息、工作和学习”的关系| 加葱与陶理的周末对谈
English Title:
From "Queer Eye" to "Treating everyone equally" then "the relationship between rest, work and learn"
Weekend conversation between Jiacong and Hermione


this slide is a screenshot of ppt
This time we will start by introducing the authors:
Jiacong has been working as a geography teacher in an upper secondary school for two year and a half, currently in Shenzhen;
Hermione has been studying her PhD programme for two year and a half, currently in London, used to work in upper secondary schools in Shanghai.
This post has three parts:
一 聊天音频
二 各自的“三原色”图
"My Primary things" Colored Diagram
三 我们准备的复活节彩蛋
Easter surprise
First is our tradition of sharing our conversation in madarian:
You can watch Netflix Queer Eye Season4 Episode1 if interested.
Then our notes separately:

Handwritten notes by Jiacong

Hermione's notes
For English readers, this is how we come up with this idea: Jiacong was talking about that teachers need a room to take a rest during their work at school.
But for me, I think work and rest is not enough for sustaining teachers, I think "learning (including reflection)" also plays a role in this. It reminds me of the Venn diagram that widely-used for presenting three primary colors.
That is why I propose to choose the colors we like to represent "work, rest and learn" in a Venn diagram. Jiacong made it for both of us by using ppt. It is actually quite easy, draw a circle, find the colors you like and choose the semitransparent theme for the colored circle, then put them together in the way you like.
It does not mean we think this is the only way to present your understandings of the relationship between work, rest and learn. You do not even need to think "work, rest and learn" are your top three primary things. Feel free to connect your top three things and colors.

Hermione's version (produced by Jiacong)

Hermione's colors are from the GEO logo

Jiacong's version (produced by Jiacong)
Here is the time to have an Easter surprise from us:
Jiacong will sing Kunqu (Kun opera) next Sunday.
What I will do is quite responsive, the first is the progress of my translation of a book I am reading, in other words, my reading notes; the other will be a coconstructed Q&A between us. I will answer three questions to whoever draw their primary things in their preferred colours to desrcibe the relationships between their primary things. (In question style, we would like to know: what do you identify as your primary things in your professional life? What colours would you use to describe them? How would you relate them?)
First let's be clear will not answer any questions in relation to personal privacy, as we are asking you to take it professionally. Besides, if both jiacong and I think any of your questions is not inappropriate to be answered in public, I will let you know that we feel uncomfortable about the question you asked, and ask if you can replace with a new one. You can ask the three questions together as a package, or ask three questions in different fields, or ask a question, get my answer and ask a follow-up question. The follow-up question would be considered as your second question.
Since I feel difficult to talk with someone I barely know, it would be very helpful that you are willing to introduce yourself before you ask your question, maybe even before you answer our questions. We would like to imagine our talk is chatting in a beautiful afternoon with tea and sunlight, instead of interrogation, nor a serious job interview. It would be much better if we are having a open-minded conversation over some topic which does not need a standardised answer. So if you are interested, we would love to hear from you, first your self-introduction, your thoughts on our questions, then your questions for us.
All the best