
Louise Liljencrantz的最新瑞典项目StrandvägenHome,是一间250平方米的精致家庭公寓,色彩丰富而忧郁,奢华而朴素的外观,有一种清晰的世纪中期现代主义氛围。
Strandvägenhome, the latest Swedish project by Louise Liljencrantz, is a 250 square metre boutique family apartment with rich and melancholy colours, a luxurious and austere appearance and a clear Mid-Century modern atmosphere.

With Louise's intricate design, the materials are a perfect blend of tradition. The sculptural simplicity inspired by the Japanese architecture creates a space for a stop before entering the kitchen. The oversized kitchen is the heart of the home and features a generous dark walnut design.

These somber tones contrast warmly with roll & Hill's custom limestone countertops, chocolate leather sofas, glass and brass. The kitchen connects directly to the family living room, where the study is on one side and the master bedroom on the other. The children's area is also connected to the kitchen and contains two bedrooms and their own bathroom.

客厅感觉宽敞,纹理丰富,充足的自然光,整个StrandvägenApartment Liljencrantz的灵感显然是斯堪的纳维亚的简约与永恒的优雅融为一体。深色木材色调,石灰石,墙纸和安静奢华组合为精选的个人艺术品,陶瓷,照明和家具提供了舒缓的基础。
The living room feels spacious, richly textured, with plenty of natural light, and the inspiration for the entire StrandvägenApartment Liljencrantz is clearly a blend of Scandinavian simplicity and timeless elegance. Dark Wood tones, limestone, wallpaper and quiet luxury combine to provide a soothing base for a selection of personal art, ceramics, lighting and furniture.

Louise Liljencrantz

Louise Liljencrantz,一直坚持着自己的方向,细腻、内敛且高雅的设计风格,丰富的纹理,精心摆放的家具,优雅的配饰,轻松便彰显了高雅、细腻与内敛,完全沉浸在这个为客户创造美好生活空间。
Louise Liljencrantz, has always maintained her own direction, exquisite, restrained and elegant design style, rich texture, carefully arranged furniture, elegant accessories, easy to highlight the elegant, delicate and restrained, fully immersed in the creation of a good living space for customers.

Louise Liljencrantz的家

这栋房子是由上世纪50年代的老公寓改造而来,这是Louise Liljencrantz的家,打造了一个简约精致的空间,让整个空间呈现优雅美妙的画面,低调的奢华与优雅的品位,让人一见钟情。
The House is a converted 1950s apartment house by Louise Liljencrantz, creating a simple and refined space that presents an elegant image, low key luxury and elegant taste, and love at first sight.

The best part of her design is the attention to detail, which creates a little mood around every corner.

公众号:米兰设计之旅( ID:Milano04)