Proficy—— Other Documentation 其他文档

Other Documentation

This release of Plant Applications provides the following other documentation in addition to this online help system:

除此在线帮助外,这一版本的Plant Applications提供下列其他文档:

  • Important Product Information provides a quick reference about what's new in the latest version of a product. It also reports known issues and fixed defects.

  • 重要产品信息提供了有关产品最新版本的新功能的快速参考。它还报告已知问题和修复的缺陷。

  • Getting Started Guide provides installation and configuration instructions to get Plant Applications up and running. The guide gives an overview of using the key features and provides troubleshooting information.

  • 《入门指南》提供了安装和配置说明,以启动和运行工厂应用程序。本指南概述了主要功能的使用,并提供了故障排除信息。

  • MESCore Service Provider Interface Methods Help provides API-level information about methods for third-party developers and application engineers. The help is available in the Documentation folder that is linked from the Installation Menu and is also available from the Start menu after installing Plant Application Clients.

  • MESCore服务提供者接口方法帮助为第三方开发人员和应用程序工程师提供有关方法的API级的信息。帮助位于Documentation文件夹中,该文件夹链接到了Installation(安装)菜单,安装Plant Application Client后,也可以从Start(开始)菜单获得。

  • SDK Help is installed with the .NET SDK and new COM wrapper addition. The help is available from the SDK.

  • SDK帮助随.NET SDK和新的COM包装程序一起安装。可从SDK获得帮助。

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