Proficy Products Overview 产品概述
Products Overview
The primary role of Plant Applications in a plant information system is to bridge the gap between continuous time-based data and the manufacturing and business transaction-based data that is found throughout the plant. Plant Applications has powerful tools that segment the continuous data by the discrete events in order to make decisions concerning grade performance and process optimization. These tools perform this critical function by detecting the important events in the plant, reconciling continuous and event-based data, setting the context of the data through business rules and definitions, and summarizing key variables for long-term performance analysis.
Plant Applications, beginning with version 6.1, enhanced the implementation of holistic operations performance management solutions for batch, discrete, and mixed environment on one platform using equipment-, product-, and people-centric models. Although previous Plant Applications databases are supported, version 6.1 introduced a Unified Manufacturing Database (UMDB) that merges the Plant Applications data model with the Proficy S95 data model. The combined data model offers these useful features:
Interoperability of the Proficy Client and Plant Applications user interfaces
Data entry through Proficy Client interfaces
Expanded list of data methods to create custom displays and forms to make use of the unified data models
Refer to the Plant Applications Getting Started Guide, which is accessible from the Installation Menu for the software, for further information. It includes a checklist for Plant Applications Implementation.
从版本6.1开始,工厂应用程序使用以设备、产品和人员为中心的模型,在一个平台上增强了批量、离散和混合环境的整体操作性能管理解决方案的实施。尽管支持以前的工厂应用程序数据库,但版本6.1引入了统一制造数据库(UMDB),该数据库将工厂应用程序数据模型与Proficy S95数据模型合并。组合数据模型提供了以下有用的功能:
有关更多信息,请参阅《Plant Applications Getting Started Guide》(工厂应用程序入门指南),该指南可从软件的安装菜单访问。它包括工厂应用程序实施的检查表。