蒲公英是早春的植物,正好这时候我们的身体需要进行春季大扫除。蒲公英的主要特点是苦味,这正是其疗愈属性所在。这种苦味源于植物酸和生物碱的药物。蒲公英能让我们摆脱停滞状态,帮助器官去除辐射、有毒重金属、DDT和其他毒素。蒲公英的独特之处在于其每一部分都可以被利用:根、叶、花、甚至茎干,每一部分都有不同程度的苦味,这与需要净化的不同身体部位相对应。首先,花朵(有些苦但略带甜味)可以净化中空器官,诸如胃和肠道、胆囊、膀胱、肺、子宫和心脏。蒲公英叶子中的植物化学物不仅可以净化血液,还有助于将血液送入难以到达的地方,因此蒲公英叶子是解决循环系统问题(诸如血液循环不佳)的必需品。叶子的苦味也有助于将毒素从淋巴系统中排出,使其成为解决非霍奇金淋巴瘤、淋巴结肿大和浮肿问题的理想之选。蒲公英的茎干比花和叶子更苦,排毒得以进一步深入到密集器官的净化(诸如脾脏、肝脏和大脑),例如,可以排出不再能用的胆汁。坚持食用蒲公英叶和茎干可以帮助一个人避免因脾脏问题而切除脾脏。蒲公英根部可以更深入地净化那些密集器官。这是蒲公英最苦的部分,这会让器官在最深处进行最深度的净化。这就是为什么蒲公英根未必适合胆小的人,因为要对相应的排毒反应做好心理准备。蒲公英不仅是一种净化草药,它就像奢华酒店的管家服务,在整理并清理完垃圾之后,会在你的枕头上留下了清新的薄荷。蒲公英会给我们留下了关键的营养元素,诸如维生素A、B族维生素、锰、碘、钙、铁、镁、硒、硅和叶绿素,这些可以提升我们的能量,并预防疾病。蒲公英几乎可以预防任何疾病,且对前列腺健康尤为重要。一.蒲公英可以帮助改善或疗愈的疾病和症状如果你具有以下任一病症,请将蒲公英带入你的生活:疾病:淋巴瘤(包括非霍奇金病)、水肿、前列腺炎、皮肤癌、癣、酒渣鼻、肥胖症、肾结石、肝硬化、丙型肝炎、青春痘、肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(渐冻人症)、偏头痛、尿路感染(UTIs)、血液疾病、血细胞疾病、消化系统疾病、脂肪肝、腹腔疾病、肾脏疾病病症:循环差、液体滞留、淋巴结肿大、体重增加、皮疹、肝脏停滞、肝脏功能不正常、腹胀、腹痛、酸反流、血液毒性、阻塞、便秘、肝囊肿、消化系统不适、脾脏肿大、黏液过多、预脂肪肝、高血压、阑尾炎症、胆囊炎症、胃、小肠和/或结肠炎症、组胺反应、消化疲弱二.蒲公英的情感支持有时候我们会觉得自己在丢失了自己,或者我们一时的情绪冲动让我们说了或做了一些后来感到懊悔、不知道为什么要这样说或者这样做的东西。这通常是因为身心灵没有处于合一状态。对于想要体验完整感的人来说,蒲公英是完美帮助我们身心灵合一的食物,因为它本身就处于合一状态。很多时候,我们想要成为第一名以证明自己,这会影响我们的自我价值感。这种想要做第一位的竞争者心态从童年就开始了。有些人觉得如果不以这种方式证明自己,将永远失去认可和机会。蒲公英在春季生长后,会在炎热的夏季消失,但这并没有结束,蒲公英经常在秋天重新出现。如果我们觉得自己不完整或因为自己不是第一名而怀疑自我价值,那这是值得铭记的重要一课。蒲公英又回来了,它以这种方式告诉我们,我们不一定需要保持第一才能拥有满足感和慰藉,因为生活永远存在新的机会。Dandelions come up in the early spring, just when our bodies are due for a spring cleaning. When consumed, the dandelion’s defining characteristic is bitterness, and this is the very feature that lends it restorative properties. That bitterness is medicine derived from plant acids and healing alkaloids. Dandelions shake you out of hibernation, getting your blood pumping and your organs cleaning house from radiation, toxic heavy metals, DDT, and other poisons.What makes the dandelion unique is that every part of the plant can be used: root, leaves, flower, and even stem. Each bit has a different degree of bitterness, and this corresponds with areas of the body that need different sorts of cleansing. To start with, the flowers (which have some bitterness yet are edging on slightly sweet) cleanse the hollow organs such as the stomach and intestinal tract, gallbladder, bladder, lungs, uterus, and heart.Then there are the leaves. Phytochemicals in dandelion leaves purify blood and also help bring it to hard-to-reach places, so the leaves are a must for circulatory issues such as poor circulation. The leaves’ bitterness is also geared to squeeze toxins out of the lymphatic system, making them ideal for addressing“non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, swollen lymph nodes, and edema.When you get to the stem of the dandelion, which is even more bitter than the flower and leaves, now you’re in the world of cleansing the dense organs such as the spleen, liver, and brain—for example, by pushing out bile that’s no longer useful. I’ve seen dandelion greens, eaten consistently, prevent splenectomies.And when you get to the dandelion root, you’re detoxifying even deeper into those dense organs. This is the bitterest part of the plant, and it forces the organs to purge on the deepest level for an intensified purification. When it comes to detoxing, dandelion root is not for the faint of heart.Dandelion is not just a cleansing herb. It’s like a housekeeping service at a fancy hotel that, after tidying up and gathering the trash, leaves a mint behind on your pillow. Dandelion’s parting gift is better than candy, though—it leaves behind vital nutrients such as vitamin A, B vitamins, manganese, iodine, calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, silica, and chlorophyll that give you energy and help your body stave off disease. Dandelion is a preventative for virtually any illness, and is especially great for the prostate.CONDITIONSIf you have any of the following conditions, try bringing dandelion into your life:Lymphoma (including non-Hodgkin’s), edema, prostatitis, skin cancers, ringworm, rosacea, obesity, kidney stones, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis C, acne, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), migraines, urinary tract infections (UTIs), blood disorders, blood cell disease, digestive disorders, fatty liver, celiac disease, kidney diseaseSYMPTOMSIf you have any of the following symptoms, try bringing dandelion into your life:Poor circulation; fluid retention; swollen lymph nodes; weight gain; hives; sluggish liver; stagnant liver; abdominal distension; abdominal pain; acid reflux; blood toxicity; congestion; constipation; liver cysts; digestive discomfort; dysfunctional liver; enlarged spleen; excess mucus; pre-fatty liver; fluid retention; high blood pressure; inflamed appendix; inflamed gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, and/or colon; histamine reactions; weak digestionEMOTIONAL SUPPORTWe sometimes feel like we’re missing pieces of ourselves, or our emotions cause us to act out and say things that we later regret and are not even sure why we mentioned in the first place. This is often because we’re out of joint; our soul, spirit, and body are not working as one. For the person who wants to feel whole, dandelion is the perfect unifier, because it is truly all one with itself.SPIRITUAL LESSONSo often, we get hung up on proving ourselves by being first, and it affects our sense of self-worth. This overachiever mentality starts at an early age: first in line, first to raise your hand, first to hand in an assignment, first one on the bus. Some people feel like they’ll miss out forever on recognition and opportunity if they don’t prove themselves in this way.After dandelions’ spring growth has died down in the heat of the summer, the plants aren’t finished for the year—dandelions frequently reappear in fall. If you’re someone who feels incomplete or less-than if you aren’t the first on the scene, this is an important lesson to take to heart. Dandelions come back around again—and in this way teach us that we can find contentment and solace in not always being first, because there are new chances around the bend.