
张扬而触动的笔触/凯文·贝尔福斯(Kevin Beilfuss)从伊利诺伊州立大学和美国的艺术学院毕业后/走上了自由职业插画生涯,并持续了13年。主要是做插图编辑方面的工作,他的作品多为书籍封面和杂志。
美国画家凯文·贝尔福斯 Kevin Beilfuss 从伊利诺伊州立大学和美国的艺术学院毕业后,走上自由职业插画生涯,并持续了13年。主要是做插图编辑方面的工作。他说,“我从小就喜爱休闲悠哉的生活!可我在绘画过程中却不断体验着喜悦和沮丧更迭内容的翻新,受尽了折磨,但还是很感谢上帝让我能做一些事。”

Bold and touching strokes Kevin Beilfuss went freelance as an

illustrator after graduating from the University of Illinois system and the American Academy of Fine Arts, where he continued for 13 years. His main job is as an illustrator, and his works are

mostly book covers and magazines. After graduating from the University of Illinois System and the American Academy of Art,

American painter Kevin began a freelance illustrator career that lasted 13 years. Mainly does the illustration editing aspect work. 'I have loved leisure since I was a child, ' he said. 'But I have

experienced constant renewal of joy and frustration in the process of painting. I have suffered a lot, but I am grateful to God for allowing me to do something. '