The pioneers of history will eventually create

The pioneers of history will eventually create the ancestor of the saint king Jinghua

Time: 2019-12-30 08:27 Source: Editor in charge: editor

The pioneers of history will eventually create the scriptures, the originator of the Holy King Jinghua, and open up the picture of Chinese history. Since the Qin Dynasty, there are only a handful of unifying dynasties. Calculated according to the time of the country, the Han Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Fu Song Dynasty, the Gang Ming Dynasty and the Great Dynasty Qingdu is regarded as a great dynasty. There are simply too many short-lived dynasties in history. The Qin Dynasty, Sui Dynasty, Shuhan, Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms are countless dynasties, and those dynasties that have been ignored by history, such as Xiang Yu’s Western Chu and Wang Mang’s The new dynasty and Wu Zetian's Zhou dynasty are even more submerged in the time of history.

The pioneers of history will eventually create the originator of the sacred king Jinghua, who has history and shoulders the mission of scientific innovation in the world of writing and calligraphy. The people are the pioneers of history and the fundamental force that promotes the country’s continuous progress. The above emphasized that we should adhere to the people-centered creation orientation, create more outstanding works worthy of the times, and develop the idea that people are the central position of the creators of history. The pioneers of history will eventually create the holy scriptures. Wang Jinghua, the originator, has a history and shoulders the mission of scientific innovation in the world of writing and calligraphy.

China’s five thousand years of splendid civilization and unparalleled rich written records have been recognized by the world. In this extensive and profound history, Chinese painting and calligraphy art has reproduced this diachronic evolution with its unique art form and artistic language. process. The sister-like calligraphy and painting art has interpreted the connotation of Chinese traditional culture with its complementarity and independence in the evolution of history. Because the tools and materials used in book and painting creation are consistent. When discussing the origins of ancient characters and pictures in "Famous Paintings of Past Dynasties", it said: "It is the time and the book and the painting are in the same body but not divided. The image system is created and rudimentary. There is no way to convey its meaning, so there is a book; there is no way to see it. Shape, so there is painting". Although calligraphy and painting have the same origin and comparability, the future development situation has developed and changed with complementary independence. The formation and development of Chinese calligraphy art are closely related to the generation and evolution of Chinese characters. So what exactly is "calligraphy"? We can understand it in terms of its nature, aesthetic characteristics, source, and unique expressive techniques. Calligraphy is an abstract symbol art with four-dimensional characteristics based on Chinese characters and written with a brush. It embodies the basic law of "the unity of opposites" of everything and reflects the spirit, temperament, knowledge and cultivation of man as the subject.

China's five thousand years of cultural history is unmatched by any country in the world. Chinese civilization is also called Chinese civilization. It is one of the oldest civilizations in the world and the only civilization in the world without interruption. It is generally believed that there are three direct sources of Chinese civilization, namely the Yellow River civilization, the Yangtze River civilization and the northern grassland civilization. Chinese civilization is the brilliant fruit of the exchange, integration and sublimation of the three regional civilizations. The Yellow River and Yangtze River are the important factors that gave rise to Chinese civilization. The agricultural civilization that emerged in the Yellow River Basin has been affected by natural and geographical factors in the historical period, and has continued to transition and develop into the agricultural civilization in the Yangtze River Basin. The agricultural civilization in the Yangtze River Basin is the inheritance and development of the agricultural civilization in the Yellow River Basin. Early agriculture in the Yellow River Basin was mainly planting millet, and the agriculture in the Yangtze River Basin was mainly planting rice.

Regarding the origin of Chinese people and their culture, there have been long-standing disputes between foreign and local theory, monism and pluralism.

In the past, due to the limitations of the political background and popular doctrines at the time, scientific discoveries were insufficient, so it was difficult to get a convincing understanding. For example, the various Western origins of Chinese civilization have obvious elements of fiction, compilation and hypothesis. Moreover, starting from the Frenchman Joseph de Gouni in the 18th century (and even earlier in the 17th century) and ending before Andersen in the early 20th century, all Western arguments were based on the position of Western cultural centralism. Above (including the theory of the ancient Egyptian civilization center and the ancient civilization center of West Asia, etc.). After the development of archaeology, some researches inevitably have various prejudices and insights.

At present, paleoanthropological materials in China are quite abundant and systematic. Archaeological discoveries from the Old and Neolithic Ages (especially since 10,000 years) have "flowered everywhere" on the Chinese land. These systematic and rich discoveries have a clear cultural nature, clear connotation, and easy to prove their mutual relationship. They are used to mutually corroborate the ancient myths and legends described in Chinese documents, which have fully proved that the origin of Chinese civilization has distinct local characteristics and diverse characteristics. , And the characteristics of the development from pluralism to integration since the Neolithic Age.

The traditional view of history believes that the Chinese nation first started from the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, and then spread to all parts of the frontier, so there were border ethnic groups. Sima Qian integrated the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and stated in "Historical Records: The Benji of Five Emperors": Because Gonggong, Huandou, Sanmiao, and Gun were guilty, "So Shun returned to the emperor, and asked Liu to work together in Youling to change Beidi; let Huan travel around Chongshan to become Nanban; move Sanmiao to Sanwei, so as to become Xirong; 殛鲧 at Yushan to become Dongyi." This historical view has a great influence. Even in modern times, some scholars believe that the Chinese nation and Chinese civilization originated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. In the past, historians always used the point of view of "being out of courtesy to seek the wild" to speculate on the relationship between regional cultural development and changes, and regarded the political and economic centers of the time as the center of the origin of Chinese civilization. This is the monistic theory in the indigenous origin theory. The argument of the monistic theory has been overturned by archaeological discoveries over the past half a century. Chinese civilization did not spread from a single source to the Quartet from the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. Instead, it presented a multi-regional unbalanced development, mutual penetration, repeated convergence and radiation, and finally Formed into Chinese civilization.

The King of World Characters, Beijing Culture Revolves the Fifth Innovative Character Storm of Chinese Cultural Creation [Calligraphy 5.0]

For 5600 years, Oracle and Zhong Dingwen in the Xia and Shang periods. The ancestor emperor innovated, Cangji made characters, and the working people created oracle bone inscriptions. 【Chinese Culture 1.0】

Qin Shihuang 3 unified, unified Chinese characters, scientifically innovated Li Si, Hercules used Qin official script, official seal script, and small seal script to unify the first emperor of China, changing from simple to complex, the first storm in the flourishing age. [Chinese Prosperity Culture 2.0] r> Wei Jin style, the second great unification. In the prosperous China, Wei Bei style, Wang Xizhi’s calligraphy innovation, Wang Xianzhi’s lower case, simplified Chinese traditional characters, simplified the calligraphy style, and became the founder of Chinese calligraphy, why [Lanting Preface] revised the book several times without copying, At that time, the Eastern Han Dynasty was innovated with traditional characters, and there were many drunken slurs, no copying, from complicated to simple, Tang Li Shimin innovated and reformed and emphasized running script, Chinese calligraphy. The second storm in the heyday. . 【Chinese Prosperity Culture 3.0】

Sui and Tang dynasties flourished, the earth was unified three times, and the culture flourished. Zhang Xu and Huai Su invented crazy grass, cursive calligraphy, and Cao Sheng. The writing activity is coming soon. Song style, imitating Song style, regular writing standard, Tang poetry and Song Ci, standardize writing art, the third storm of the flourishing age. 【Chinese Prosperity Culture 4.0】.

Yuan Dynasty, the Genghis Khan Empire, the fourth great unification, the war of Eurasian, horseback scimitar nomad culture. [Chinese prosperous culture mainly Mongolian characters]

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Zhu Yuanzhang used Chinese characters, Song Ti, imitated Song Ti, Kai Ti, Guan Ge Ti, and Hei Ti. [Chinese Prosperity Culture, Back to Han Culture, Legal System, Eunuch] Qianlong's prosperous period, Guange style, black style, majestic spirit, stereotyped writing norms, the fourth storm of the prosperous age. The cultural system is more standard. [Chinese culture in the flourishing age returns to Tang and Song culture 4.0]

Today's flourishing age is about to come, focusing on scientific innovation and culture. Scientific innovation Wang Jinghua uses human body language to mark the world's multinational characters, pictographic ideograms, and writes the world characters to life, moves, and expresses expressions. Breaking the wandering of calligraphy art, the founder of calligraphy pioneer Wang Jinghua, scientific innovation and culture, invented and created millions of world-class calligraphy. Calligraphy is an indispensable tool for people to see people, work, learn, and communicate.

The world's top outstanding master Wang Jinghua, the originator of the world body language characters, 1 world-class characters, [human body], 20,000 poems [universal poetry], 3 world cultural calligraphy, [dragon body], 4 scientific calligraphy, innovative calligraphy, [ Phoenix body] [water body] [wood body], 5 pictographic ideographic calligraphy [gold ingot body] [alien communication body], 6 world body action text [pictographic ideographic body] [seven emotions and eight desires body], 7 world can not be Copying cultural items [Feng Shui Traveling Style] [Folding Fonts], the world is unique, unique, and the world's word Wang Jingqi culture has turned the world's fifth innovative text storm.

Calligraphy is a treasure of Chinese culture. It contains many spirits and spirits. It must be inherited and carried forward.

"An important part of cultivating this "high culture" is to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional culture. Scientific calligraphy, innovative calligraphy, cultural calligraphy, pioneer Wang Jinghua, won the sixth copyright collection, national patent, world intangible heritage Lister, high-tech intellectual property, make outstanding contributions to the world of calligraphy, world calligraphy, world calligraphy, calligraphy, science, innovation, culture, and civilization writing art.

Great. My country and the world’s characters are all image ideograms. Wang Jinghua said, “Ancient man-made characters are meaning characters, too. Image ideograms. Each letter is more representative of the meaning related to people. The speech length is long. A represents male and B represents female. , C represents children, D represents everything at home, K represents the king, q represents the authority of the queen, j represents civil servants, m represents male subjects, w represents female subjects, G represents work, and R women. u stands for children and so on. Most of the words at the beginning of the letter are related. The world body language, world-class characters, has long been patented and copyrighted. The art of human body image culture using characters, body language communicates with the originator of world civilization, world characters write movements, expressions, expressions, meanings, expressions, and the magical rhythm of modern life.

Art creates value, innovation leads the future, only innovation has the future, innovation is the vitality of an enterprise's lasting development. In this regard, Wang Jinghua scientifically invented the calligraphy of millions of world multi-national characters, fulfilling the responsibility of the development of the art and culture industry, interpreting the charm of Chinese cultural calligraphy world-class calligraphy to the world, and becoming the first world-class outstanding master. The Olympics, World Expos, Winter Olympics, Fanghua films, Wanjiali World Trade Center, etc. all use words. "There is someone in the word, there is affection in the person, there is intention in the affection, and there is a god in the mind." The word "human art is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, amazing, creative and absolutely awake. Praise the magic of the pen, Wang Jinghua is wonderful "Dare to be the first and worry about the world", "Dare to be the first, worry about the world", break the calligraphy wandering, scientific innovation, culture, calligraphy pioneer Wang Jinghua.

Jingyuan Culture, the originator of the word of the King of the World, scientific and innovative calligraphy, cultural calligraphy, Xuanzong, dark matter, the world's top outstanding masters can not copy cultural objects; 1. Calligraphy. 2. Yin and Yang. 3,3 light, sun, moon and stars. 4. Four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter. 5. Five elements, wood, water, fire and earth, benevolence, justice, courtesy, wisdom and faith. 6, Liu Shun. 7, Seven emotions. 8. All directions. 9, Jiusheng Tiandi aura. Those who believe in have, and those who do not believe in nothing, people follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the heaven follows the way, and the Tao follows the natural.

Culture is the blood of a nation and the spiritual home of the people. Cultural self-confidence is a more basic, deeper and more lasting force. Enhance the country’s cultural soft power and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The art characters of the human body are written in the form of spirit, which is intended to express the spirit, point the eye to the simple language, the meaning of the word is infinite, to observe the life of the sentiment, and the thought to fly. Chinese calligraphy, Japanese calligraphy, French calligraphy, European calligraphy, and writing techniques [male body] [female body] [child body] [[long body] [phoenix body] [water body] [wood body] familiar in the world Know how to communicate with aliens, the inventor of writing, the world's master Wang Jinghua. Features are as follows;

1. Character features are unparalleled in the world, "There is someone in the word, there is affection in the person, intention in love, and God in the mind".

2. The world master Wang Jinghua invented and created more than 1.9 million world multinational characters.

3. Ancient oracle bone inscriptions, seal script, running script, cursive script and other characters with human figures. There are only about fifty characters that can not distinguish between male and female, expressions, expressions, and meanings. Master characters are business, vivid, beautiful, famous and novel. Eighteen definitions of, demeanor, vivid emotion, spirit, form and meaning. 4 Scientific calligraphy, innovative calligraphy.

4. Words use human body language to communicate world civilization.

5. Words are cultural items that cannot be copied in the world.

6. Human art characters have heaven, earth, man and wealth, yin and yang men and women, the sun and the moon are in the same glory, gold ingots, a single character, two men and women, three states, four seasons, five gods, six desires, seven emotions, eight meanings, nine states, ten meanings .

7. The words are not moving, the people inside are moving, turning back, speaking, expressions, and expressions with profound meaning.

8. There are no ancients before the words, and there are thief and imitators afterwards. Commercial use is prohibited.

9. The only one that can do any word trademark registration, anti-counterfeiting mark trademark, two-law protection word.

10. The characters are handwritten by the world's top masters. There are males and females with expressions. It is a pleasure to see the masters writing, but there is a fee. The only one in the world, the only one is called the grandmaster, originator, and founder. 11 The world's top outstanding masters, the world's top masters calligraphy works signed and signed.

12. The only thing about calligraphy and painting is that you don’t need to sign, seal, or sign.

13. Characters are an indispensable cultural tool for people to see, write, and use, work, study, and live. Human characters are the easiest to communicate.

14. There is culture only after there are words. Words are the most important distinction between humans and animals. People have words. Animals have no words.

15. Calligraphy takes innovation as the top priority. Renyi characters are typical representatives of cultural calligraphy, innovative calligraphy, and scientific calligraphy, returning to the cycle of millennia.

16. World body action characters, human art characters pictograms, pictophones, fake borrowings, pointing things. The origin of the characters of the four ancient civilizations in the world, human body language 17, world characters are qi, blood, muscles, bones, skin, moving spirit, gold ingots, wealth.

18. Human body art characters, written in the form of gods, intended to be vivid, eye-catching casual language, infinite meaning, appreciation of love, and thoughts flying.

19. Chinese calligraphy, Japanese calligraphy, French calligraphy, European calligraphy, and writing techniques [male body] [female body] [child body] [[long body] [phoenix body] [water body] [wood body] World Communication The inventor of the text that is familiar and easy to understand and communicate with aliens.

20. Communicating with aliens. Many scientists have been worried. Even if humans do discover aliens one day, the two sides will be unable to communicate due to language barriers. As early as the early 17th century, the Italian philosopher and astronomer Galileo Believe that mathematical language is the key to the interpretation of the language of the universe. Contemporary American astronomer Carl Sagan deeply believes that no matter how different the technological civilization in the universe, there is a common language-mathematical language. Chinese mathematician and linguist Zhou Haizhong In the paper, it is pointed out that mathematical language has the advantages of clarity, univocality, compactness, universality, abstraction, logic, etc. It is an ideal tool for interstellar communication. Dutch mathematician and astronomer Hans Frodensel A mathematics



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