【新刊速递】第50期 | International Relations of Asia-Pacific, No.2, 2020
International Relations of Asia-Pacific,成立于2001年,由牛津大学出版社代表日本国际关系协会出版,每年1月、5月和9月出版共三次。该期刊主要关注亚太地区的国际政治动态,包括中国国内政治、美国在亚太地区的地位、地区治理、日本对外关系、亚洲与国际关系理论、中国的全球化道路以及中国的国家认同等。根据2018 Journal Citation Reports显示,其影响因子为1.233。
【编译】李雯珲 朱家羲 朱文菡 徐一君
【审校】唐一鸣 丁伟航 朱文菡 兰星辰 朱雯珲 晋玉 阮含含 梁坤
Failed cooperation in times of natural disasters: explaining the rejection of humanitarian aid
The ‘Asia threat’ in the US–Australia relationship: then and now
38 seconds above the 38th parallel: how short video clips produced by the US military can promote alignment despite antagonism between Japan and Korea
‘Responsibility’, change, and rising powers’ role conceptions: comparing Indian foreign policy roles in global climate change negotiations and maritime security
【题目】Failed cooperation in times of natural disasters: explaining the rejection of humanitarian aid
【作者】Charlotte Dany,法兰克福大学
This article asks why economically strong democracies reject humanitarian aid after severe natural disasters, focusing on the Kobe earthquake in Japan (1995), India’s response to the Indian Ocean tsunami (2004), and Hurricane Katrina in the United States (2005). It explains these rejections of humanitarian aid by analyzing the decision-makers’ ‘self-perceptions’ through the factors of manageability, national role perceptions, and domestic political impact, as well as ‘other-perceptions’ through their relations to donors and the nature of the aid offers. It finds that even in those disaster-prepared and economically strong democracies, state leaders rejected humanitarian aid not simply because they had sufficient disaster management capabilities. Rather, bureaucratic hurdles and administrative failure impeded aid acceptance. Moreover, conceptions of those countries’ roles as established or emerging donors, as well as domestic political factors influenced their decisions. Ultimately, the dominant explanations focusing on wealth and capabilities are thus too shortsighted. Not only giving but also rejecting humanitarian aid follows political considerations.
【校对】唐一鸣 丁伟航
【题目】The ‘Asia threat’ in the US–Australia relationship: then and now
【作者】 Stuart Rollo,悉尼大学民主网络中心
For almost a century before the formal alliance between the United States and Australia in 1941, a relationship was being formed around interrelated perceptions of shared identity and economic, political, and strategic interests. Perhaps the single most important factor in the recognition of shared interests lay in the mutually reinforcing fears of a multilayered ‘Asia threat’ that developed in parallel in both countries, originating as a demographic fear over Chinese migration during gold rushes of the 1850s, and progressing to focus on the growing military power of imperial Japan and geostrategic dominance of the Pacific. In recent years, the rise of China has been the central focus of US– Australia alliance, and, in many respects, the security architecture used to confront China is a legacy of the historical ‘Asia threat’. Understanding the historical context of the relationship is necessary for dispelling the anachronistic ‘Asia threat’ perceptions from the contemporary security policy.
【审校】朱文菡 兰星辰
【题目】38 seconds above the 38th parallel: how short video clips produced by the US military can promote alignment despite antagonism between Japan and Korea
【作者】Yuki Asaba, 新潟大学国际研究与地区发展学院;Kyu S Hahn,首尔大学传播学系;Seulgi Jang, 首尔大学传播学系;Tetsuro Kobayashi, 香港城市大学媒体与传播系;Atsushi Tago早稻田大学政治经济学院
The effectiveness of public diplomacy is now increasingly the subject of scientific measurement and testing by researchers in the field of International Relations. While there are variety of empirical efforts to uncover the power of public diplomacy, extant studies have mostly focused on the activities initiated by the ministries in charge of external relations. In this article, rather than external relations ministries and agencies, we focus on the effectiveness of public diplomacy by the military. Specifically, we argue that figures, pictures and indeed videos created by military forces have power in changing perceptions among the receivers of the information. In this particular study, we show that a 38 second video made by the US military induces positive feelings for cooperation which would otherwise be difficult to sustain between South Korea and Japan — two countries which have suffered highly fractious relations, yet which are indispensable allies to the US in countering the rising threat from North Korea.
【校对】李雯珲 晋玉
【题目】‘Responsibility’, change, and rising powers’ role conceptions: comparing Indian foreign policy roles in global climate change negotiations and maritime security
【作者】Johannes Plagemann,Miriam Prys- Hansen ,二人均为德国全球与区域研究所(GIGA)研究员
Strong economic growth and assertive political leadership have made India an increasingly prominent player in global governance. Whereas conventional scholarship of India’s foreign policy underlines continuity, this article explores how India’s self-conception has changed across two policy fields (climate change and maritime security). Adopting a role-theoretical approach, we analyze official statements as a mirror of both India’s self-understanding and its view on the roles of significant other actors. Although both issue-areas exhibit change, India’s self-ascribed role has been transformed more profoundly in the maritime domain. Our comparison suggests three factors to particularly induce transformation of rising powers’ roles toward ‘more responsibility’: First, power-sharing is more conducive than burden-sharing; second, issue-areas with strong regional anchors are more likely to induce the adoption of a more responsible role than those areas situated primarily at the global level of politics; and third, positive external role ascriptions are more effective than negative ones.
【审校】阮含含 梁坤
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