

第一,腌制肉类。我们知道中国美食有很多种是腌制的,广东广西、云南贵州、湖北湖南都有这类的食物,耳熟能详,绝对美味。但是这类食物富含硝酸盐与亚硝酸盐,Barry Jordan, MD医生,Assistant Medical Director and attending Neurologist at Burke Rehabilitation Hospital(博尔克康复医院医疗副总监及临床神经内科专家)这样分析道,'Patients that get migraines are sensitive to these things and moresusceptible to headaches triggered by food. If you assume that certain foodsare causing headaches, maintain a food journal to help identify which ones might be giving you a headache.’(患有偏头痛的患者对某些食物时非常敏感的,如果您能识别出某种食物可以诱发您的头痛体验,就会是治疗的第一步。)

第二,红酒与奶酪。红酒好东东啊抗氧化,奶酪非常好啊抗衰老,他们怎么就引起头痛了呢?原来啊这两种东西里含有一种叫做酪胺的物质,经研究证明可以诱发头痛,他可以收缩血管引起头痛。Mia Minen, MD医生,Director of Headache Services at NYU Langon(纽约大学朗贡头痛医学服务总监)总结道,'polyphenols in redwine might also be contributing to headache’(红酒中的多酚也有可能引起头痛)。

第三,脱水状态。梅奥诊所认为脱水可以诱发头痛,'As the body loses water and vital electrolytes, the blood vesselsnarrow down to conserve water.’(随着身体慢慢丧失水分及电解质,血管会进一步收缩变窄来保存水分)这就是脱水诱发头痛的原因。The Mayo Clinic suggests that men drink about 13 cups of total beveragesa day and women should drink at least 9 cups. (梅奥诊所建议男性每日最少饮水13杯左右,女性9杯左右)

第四,突然食用冰冷的食物。夏天热气炎炎,突然来个冰激凌雪糕非常的过瘾,但是吃完就开始头痛了,这叫做'ice cream headache’(冰激凌头痛)。John Hopkins Headache Center(约翰霍普金斯头痛中心)解释道,'a combination of direct stimulation of temperature sensitive nerves plus the cold’s effects on bloodvessels running along the roof of the mouth’(经口进食冰激凌所引起突然的温度敏感性刺激再加上寒冷的血管收缩效应可能就是病因)。

第五,咖啡因脱瘾效应。Dr.Minen医生The National Headache Foundation(美国国家头痛基金会顾问)说道,'Caffeine can have physiological effects on the vascular system and can constrict vessels or relax them at different times, caffeine withdrawal will materialize after consuming more than 200 mg of caffeine perday at least 2 weeks. However, there is no alternative to make these headachesgo away. It is hence recommended that you quit coffee slowly, to tune down thewithdrawal headaches.’(咖啡因的生理学作用就是收缩血管,并在不同时期放松他们,如果每天咖啡因摄入量在200mg并持续两周的话,突然停止摄入咖啡因就是咖啡因脱瘾效应,目前没有什么办法可以阻止咖啡因脱瘾引起的头痛,如果您真的想喝咖啡要么控制量,要么就慢慢戒断!)



