美添音乐 Everyday music 《If I was a Blackbird》



Everyday music




——《If I was a Blackbird》

名:《If I was a Blackbird》

歌者Silly Wizard

词曲K Stewart

流派 凯尔特民谣



I am a young maiden my story is sad

For once I was carefree and in love with a lad

He courted me sweetly by night and by day

But now he has left me and gone far away

Oh if I was a blackbird could whistle and sing

I'd follow the vessel my true love sails in

And in the top rigging I would there build my nest

And I'd flutter my wings o'er his broad golden chest

He sailed o'er the ocean his fortune to seek

I missed his caresses and his kiss on my cheek

He returned and I told him my love was still warm

He turned away lightly and great was his scorn

He offered to take me to Donnybrook Fair

To buy me fine ribbons tie them up in my hair

He offered to marry and to stay by my side

But then in the morning he sailed with the tide

My parents they chide me and will not agree

Saying that me and my true love married should never be

Ah but let them deprive me or let them do what they will

While there's breath in my body he's the one that I love still

Male perspective

I am a young sailor my story is sad

For once I was carefree and a bold sailor lad

I courted a lassie by night and by day

But now she has left me and gone far away

Oh if I was a blackbird could whistle and sing

I'd follow the vessel my true love sails in

And in the top rigging I would there build my nest

And I'd flutter my wings o'er her lily-white breast

Or if I was a scholar and could handle a pen

One secret love letter to my true love I'd send

And I'd tell of my sorrow my grief and my pain

Since she's gone and left me in yon flowery glen

I sailed o'er the ocean my fortune to seek

Though I missed her caress and her kiss on my cheek

I returned and I told her my love was still warm

But she turned away lightly and great was her scorn

I offered to take her to Donnybrook Fair

And to buy her fine ribbons to tie up her hair

I offered to marry and to stay by her side

But she said in the morning she sailed with the tide

My parents they chide me and will not agree

Saying that me and my false love married should never be

Ah but let them deprive me or let them do what they will

While there's breath in my body she's the one that I love still



今天分享一首来自Silly Wizard凯尔特民谣  的《If I was a Blackbird》。

“傻子巫师”(Silly Wizard)是一支民谣乐队,大约于1971年在苏格兰的爱丁堡成立,由约翰尼·坎宁汉姆(小提琴、中提琴、曼陀拉、人声)、鲍勃·托马斯(吉他、曼陀林、曼陀拉、班卓琴、手风琴)和戈登·琼斯(吉他、博德兰、人声、布祖基、曼陀拉)组成。他们在三角民谣俱乐部表演了一段时间,然后在1972年去法国巡演。

乐队随后加入了菲尔·坎宁安(手风琴、锡笛、口琴、合成器、吉他、人声)、阿拉斯泰尔·唐纳森(Alastair Donaldson)、马丁·哈登(贝斯、吉他、钢琴)和安迪·m·斯图尔特(人声、口哨、班卓琴)。他们发行的第一张唱片是《Silly Wizard》,之开始在欧洲巡演。



今天分享的这首《If I Was A Blackbird》来自他们的《Wild & Beautiful》,发行于1981年2月14日。



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