

空气污染有害健康,但科学家表示,我们对长期的影响仍不甚了解。因此,加拿大和荷兰的研究人员决定在城市工业环境中收集遗传信息,方法则是观察小鼠的精子。他们在《美国科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)上发表了这项研究。


Sperm Subject To Attack--By Pollution

Air pollution is bad for our health, but scientists say we don’t know much about the long-term effects. So researchers in Canada and the Netherlands decided to gather genetic information in an urban industrial environment—by looking at mouse sperm. They published the study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The scientists placed cages of mature male mice near two steel mills and a major highway in the city of Hamilton, in Ontario, Canada. Some of the mice breathed in the ambient, particulate-filled air. The control mice breathed pure, filtered air. After ten weeks, researchers checked the two groups. The mice exposed to the polluted air had a 60 percent higher rate of sperm mutation. It occurred...[full transcript]

