


主要内容:1.词根与含义 2.造词理据 3.大学应会同根词 4.考研同根词 5.全部同根词


参考文献:1.英语在线词源词典 2.图片来自bing 3.1986-2020年考研真题(不区分考研英语一和二) 4.有道词典 5.搜狗翻译\谷歌翻译等等。6.字母变化规律:中世纪英语单词的特点


知道(to know)



根据前文(1.考研同根词03-iqu 2.考研同根词02-dot 3.考研同根词01-ver等等),我们知道词根大多数情况下只有首字母不变,魔法师认为这个“首字母”与词根含义直接相关(已知的考古文献证明,英语乃至拉丁语吸收希腊字母时,不是直接引入的字母,而是引入的单词或词根,所以单词作为表音文字的特点不能完全否定字母表义的可能。


acknowledge nobility
acquaint noble
could notice
diagnosis notify
know notion
knowledge notorious
narration recognize



acknowledge vt. 承认;答谢;报偿;告知已收到

  • 构词法:ac-是前缀on的变体,表关于;-edge是表示动作行为(action)的后缀。know是词根,表示知道。acknowledge在1200年指知识,15世纪晚期指“承认或展示自己的知识”。

  • 例句:

    1. Any fair-minded assessment of thedangers of the deal between Britain's National Health Service (NHS) andDeepMind must start by acknowledging that both sides mean well.<2018>任何对英国国家卫生服务体系和“深度思维”之间交易的危险的公正评估都必须从承认双方都是好意开始。<搜狗翻译>

    2. But the Nobel Foundation's limit ofthree recipients per prize, each of whom must still be living, has long beenoutgrown by the collaborative nature of modern research-as will be demonstratedby the inevitable row over who is ignored when it comes to acknowledging thediscovery of the Higgs boson.<2014>但是诺贝尔基金会每个奖只能有三个获奖者,每个人都必须还活着,这一限制早已被现代研究的合作性质所超越,这一点将通过在承认希格斯玻色子的发现时不可避免的关于谁被忽视的争论中得到证明。<搜狗翻译>

    3. On another level, many in the medicalcommunity acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate  has been fueled in part by the despair ofpatients for whom modern medicine has prolonged the  physical agony of dying.<2002>   在另一个层面上,医学界的许多人承认,辅助自杀的争论部分是由于病人的绝望情绪,现代医学延长了他们死亡的身体痛苦。

    4. Any fair-minded assessment of thedangers of the deal between Britain's National Health Service (NHS) andDeepMind must start by acknowledging that both sides mean well.<2018>任何对英国国家卫生服务体系和“深度思维”之间交易的危险的公正评估都必须从承认双方都是好意开始。<搜狗翻译>

    5. But the Nobel Foundation's limit ofthree recipients per prize, each of whom must still be living, has long beenoutgrown by the collaborative nature of modern research-as will be demonstratedby the inevitable row over who is ignored when it comes to acknowledging thediscovery of the Higgs boson.<2014>但是诺贝尔基金会每个奖只能有三个获奖者,每个人都必须还活着,这一限制早已被现代研究的合作性质所超越,这一点将通过在承认希格斯玻色子的发现时不可避免的关于谁被忽视的争论中得到证明。<搜狗翻译>

    6. On another level, many in the medicalcommunity acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate  has been fueled in part by the despair of patientsfor whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying.<2002>在另一个层面上,医学界的许多人承认,辅助自杀的争论部分是由于病人的绝望情绪,现代医学延长了他们死亡的身体痛苦。

adj. 知识渊博的,有知识的;有见识的;聪明的

  • 构词法:-able是形容词后缀,表能…的。knowledgeable指“能够为人所知,可辨认”,1829年开始有“有知识,显示脑力”的意思。

  • 例句:

  1. But we are now knowledgeable enough toreduce many of the risks that threatened the existence of earlier humans, andto improve the lot of those to come.<2013>  但是我们现在有足够的知识来减少威胁早期人类生存的许多风险,并改善未来的许多风险。

acquaint vt. 使熟悉;使认识

  • 构词法:ac-是ad-的变体,表朝向(to),-aint是后缀,qu是词根,表知道(to know)。其中qu是kw的变体(见字母变化规律)。acquaint在13世纪指使自己为人所知,14世纪指为自己获得个人知识、知晓。

  • 例句:

    1. For a social epidemic to occur,however,  each person so affected, mustthen influence his or her own acquaintances, who must in turn  influence theirs, and so on; <2010>   然而,一场社会流行病的发生,每个受影响的人都必定影响他或她自己的熟人,而熟人又必定影响他们的熟人,依此类推;<搜狗翻译>

diagnose v. 诊断;断定

  • 构词法:diagnose是diagnosis的截短词,去掉了后面的-is。dia-是前缀,表在两者之间(between),gno是词根,表知道(to know)。diagnose的字面意思是“彻底了解”或“知道(与另一种不同)”,17世纪80年代开始指“从症状中识别疾病”。

  • 例句(非真题):

    1. The illness was diagnosed as cancer. 此病诊断为癌症。

ignorance n.无知,愚昧;不知,不懂

  • 构词法:i-是前缀in-的变体,表否定、相反(not,opposite of),-ance是名词后缀。gno是词根,表知道(to know)。值得一提的是r,因为gno是以元音结尾,后面接元音开头的ance,为了保持发音顺畅而添加的插入音,仅为连读存在。

  • 例句(非真题):

    1. Children often behave badly outof/through ignorance . 儿童往往出于无知而不守规矩。

narrative n. 叙述;故事 adj. 叙事的,叙述的

  • 构词法:narration截短去掉-ation,加e构成narrate,后去e加-ive构成narrative。词根na是gno的脱落g产生,表知道(to know)。narrative指讲述知道的事情、讲故事。

  • 例句:

    1. In other words,  there is a conventional story line in thenewsroom culture that provides a backbone and a ready-made narrative structure for otherwise confusing news.<2001>换句话说,在新闻编辑室文化中,有一条传统的故事情节,它提供了主干和现成的叙事结构,以免使新闻迷惑。<谷歌翻译>

notify vt. 通告,通知;公布

  • 构词法:-ify是动词后缀,表使得(tomake),no是词根gno脱落g产生,t是插入音。notify指告知知道的事情。

  • 例句(非真题):

    1. Competition winnerswill be notified by post. 将发信通知竞赛的优胜者。

notion n.概念;见解;打算

  • 构词法:-ion是名词后缀,no是词根gno脱落g,表知道(to know)。notion在14世纪晚期指一个一般的概念。

  • 例句:1. The notion is that people have failedto detect the massive changes which have happened in the ocean because theyhave been looking back only a relatively short time into the past.<2006>  这种观点认为,人们没有发现海洋中发生的巨大变化,因为他们只回顾了相对较短的时间。<搜狗翻译>

notorious adj. 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的

  • 构词法:-ous是形容词后缀,-or是后缀,i是插入音,no是词根gno的变体,表知道(to know)。notorious最初指广为人知的,17世纪开始指广为人知但不光彩的。

  • 例句:

    1. If you are part of the group, whichyou are addressing, you will be in a position to know  the experiences and problems which are commonto all of you and it'll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairman'snotorious bad taste  in ties.<2002>如果你是该小组中的一员,你将能够了解所有人的共同经历和问题,你可以对餐厅里不可食用的食物或主席臭名昭著的领带品味发表一点小小的评论。

recognize v. 认出,识别;承认

  • 构词法:re-表再次(again),-ize是动词后缀,cog是词根gno的变体,其中c与g同源异音,表知道(to know)。recognize指再次知道。

  • 例句:

    1. These gave banks more freedom to usemodels to value illiquid assets and more flexibility in recognizing losses onlong-term assets in their income statement.<2010>    这让银行更自由地使用模型来评估非流动性资产,并在损益表中更灵活地确认长期资产的损失。<搜狗翻译>

    2. But speech has to beinduced, and this depends on interaction between the mother and the   child, where the mother recognizes thesignals in the child’s babbling (咿呀学语), grasping andsmiling, and responds to them.<1993>     但是说话必须被诱导,这取决于母亲和孩子之间的互动,在这种互动中,母亲识别出孩子牙牙学语中的信号(咿呀学语),抓住并微笑,并对他们做出反应。<搜狗翻译>



acknowledge could Gnostic narrate
acquaint couth ignoble narration
agnostic cunning ignorant nobility
anagnorisis diagnosis ignore noble
astrognosy ennoble incognito notice
can(v.1) gnome ken(n.1) notify
cognition gnomic kenning notion
cognizance gnomon kith notorious
con(n.2) gnosis know physiognomy
connoisseur gnostic knowledge prognosis
quaint reconnaissance recognize reconnoiter
uncouth Zend

< the end >




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