
句型一:What 引导主语从句+谓语动词+宾语/表语或 that引导表语从句

1. What you said is absolutely correct, but I can never take away a child’s birthday cake. (2021·广东一模)你所说的话完全正确,但我不会取走小孩的生日蛋糕。


2. Although what Clara did was wrong indeed,she was just a helpless mother. (2021·广东一模)虽然Clara的所作所为确实错了,但她只是一个无助的母亲。


3. What the officer had done made her feel ashamed of her theft and she was determined to mend her way. (2021·广东一模) 警察所做的一切让她感到惭愧,她决心改过自新。


4. What made me unhappy was that you didn’ttell me the truth. 让我感到不高兴的是,你没有将事情的真相告诉我。

5. But what happened next was pure magic.


句型二:“it” 为形式主语, 引导主语从句

1. It suddenly occurred to her that she should find a big open area first. (2016年10月浙江卷)她突然想到她应该先找一块开阔的地方。

2. It occurred to her that she had a box of matches with her.  (2016年10月浙江卷) 她突然想到身上带有一盒火柴。

“it occurred to sb that…” 某人突然想到一个办法,可为下文转机的出现做铺垫。

3. It was extremely evident that Henry didn’t realize how serious the situation was.很显然Henry没有意识到情况的严重性。

“it was evident that…” 可用于描述情形的目前现状。

4. It turned out that some hikers noticed the unusual water bottle in the water.事实证明一些徒步者已注意到水中那不同寻常的水瓶。

“it turned out that…” 可用于描述既定的事实。

发现规律:What 引导主语从句+谓语动词+宾语/表语或that引导表语从句可用于衔接上文引出下文内容。而“it”为形式主语, 引导主语从句“it occurred to sb that…或者“it hit/struck sb that…”可为下文转机的出现做铺垫。而“it was evidentthat…”,“it turned out that…”则可用于描述情形的目前现状。


