

Unless the fragments are in close apposition, reduction is difficult and re-displacement in the cast almost invariable. So predictable is this outcome that most surgeons opt for open reduction and internal fixation from the outset. The fragments are held by interfragmentary compression with plates and screws. Bone grafting is

advisable if there is comminution. The deep fascia is left open to prevent a build-up of pressure in the muscle compartments, and only the skin is sutured.

After the operation the arm is kept elevated until the swelling subsides, and during this period active exercises of the hand are encouraged. If the fracture is not comminuted and the patient is reliable, early range of movement exercises are commenced but lifting and sports are avoided. It takes 8–12 weeks for the bones to unite. With comminuted fractures or unreliable patients, immobilization in plaster is safer.


Open fractures of the forearm must be managed meticulously. Antibiotics and tetanus prophylaxis are given as soon as possible; the wounds are copiously washed and nerve function and circulation are checked. At operation the wounds are excised and extended and the bone ends are exposed and thoroughly cleaned. The fractures are primarily fixed with compression screws and plates; if the wounds are absolutely clean, the soft tissues can be closed. If bone grafting is necessary, this is best deferred until the wounds are healed. If there is major soft-tissue loss, the bones are better stabilized by external fixation.The aim is to obtain skin cover as soon as possible; if plastic surgery services are available, these should be enlisted from the outset.

If there is any question of a compartment syndrome, the wounds should be left open and closed 24–48 hours later, with a skin graft if needed.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


from the outset从一开始

fascia /ˈfeɪʃə/n. 招牌;[医] 筋膜;绷带;饰带

subside/səbˈsaɪd/vi. 平息;减弱;沉淀;坐下

meticulously /məˈtɪkjələsli/adv. 细致地;一丝不苟地;拘泥地

tetanus prophylaxis破伤风预防

/ˈtetnəs/n. [内科] 破伤风;强直

/ˌproʊfəˈlæksɪs/n. [医] 预防;预防法

copiously/'kəupiəsli/adv. 充裕地;丰富地

defer /dɪˈfɜːr/vt. 使推迟;使延期vi. 推迟;延期;服从



除非碎片紧密地并置,否则很难还原,铸件中的再置换几乎是可变的。这种结果是可以预见的,大多数sur  geons从一开始就选择切开复位和内固定。这些碎片是用钢板和螺丝钉通过膈间压缩来固定的。骨移植是






