TE||Great balls of fire








Great balls of fire



Harlan Ellison


Great balls of fire


注:《Great balls of fire》Singer:Jerry Lee Lewis


Harlan Ellison, curmudgeonly science-fiction writer, died on June 27th, aged 84


“HATE. LET ME TELL YOU HOW MUCH I’VE COME TO HATE YOU SINCE I BEGAN TO LIVE. THERE ARE 387.44 MILLION MILES OF PRINTED CIRCUITS IN WAFER THIN LAYERS THAT FILL MY COMPLEX. IF THE WORD HATE WAS ENGRAVED ON EACH NANOANGSTROM OF THOSE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF MILES IT WOULD NOT EQUAL ONE ONE-BILLIONTH OF THE HATE I FEEL FOR HUMANS AT THIS MICRO-INSTANT. FOR YOU. HATE. HATE.” The great AM, the supercomputer/tormentor/god at the centre of Harlan Ellison’s story “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream” (1967), outdid its creator in bile and anger. But not by all that much. Celebrated as a pyrotechnic writer of short fiction, screenplays, comic books and criticism, Mr Ellison was as prodigious a source of anecdote, vendetta and litigation. The dust jacket of one book called him “possibly the most contentious person on Earth.” The “possibly” was a bit namby pamby.


Mr Ellison would unleash his indignant and ingenious fury on anyone who offended him, relishing every opportunity to rage at reactionaries and Republicans. But he saved his fiercest and most litigious ire for people who had snubbed, perverted, stolen or paid too little for his work. He was expelled from Ohio State University for hitting a professor who once belittled his writing ability. Over the next 20 years he sent the professor a copy of every story he published. In the midst of a dispute over a contract, he mailed 213 bricks to a publisher, postage to be paid by the recipient. He accused a studio executive of having the intellectual capacity of an artichoke. A YouTube rant about Warner Bros wanting to use an interview with him without paying has become justly famous. “I’ve only been an asshole to assholes,” he would say; he seemed to come across enough of them to remain almost permanently in their ranks.


Mr Ellison was small and Jewish, both of which got him bullied a lot growing up in Cleveland in the 1930s and 1940s. On leaving home he claimed to have become a crop-picker, tuna fisherman, gun for hire, nitroglycerine truck driver, lithographer, short-order cook, door-to-door salesman both of books and brushes (not at the same time) and a customer-services representative in a department store. He wrote his first novel, “Web of the City”, while undergoing basic training for the army at Fort Benning, Georgia. Previously peripatetic, in 1962 he moved to California and stayed there. It was not exactly a settling down. By the 1980s Mr Ellison had had five wives. He credited the last, Susan Toth (pictured), whom he wed in 1986, with saving him.


Novels, although he wrote three between 1958 and 1961, turned out not to be his thing. Mr Ellison’s stories, his friend, the writer Neil Gaiman, says, “sparkle and glitter and shine and wound and howl…you can see Harlan experimenting, trying new things, new techniques, new voices.” To maintain such intensity and inventiveness for hundreds of pages would have been exhausting to all concerned.







The stories repeatedly garnered him science fiction’s top prizes; he won eight of the Hugo awards voted on by fans at science fiction’s world conventions, or WorldCons. One of those Hugos was for writing “The City on the Edge of Forever”, perhaps the most popular episode of “Star Trek” (and the occasion of an epic feud with the show’s creator, Gene Roddenberry). Another was for editing “Dangerous Visions” (1967), a mammoth anthology that served as a rallying-point for the “New Wave” of science fiction—a movement bringing sex, drugs and literary experimentation to a genre often characterised by formal attributes as staid as its ideas were interstellar.

却是他的短篇小说让他屡次斩获科幻小说的最高奖项;在世界科幻小说大会(WorldCons)上,他八次赢得粉丝投票评选的“雨果奖”。其中一部便是《永恒边界之城》,这也许是《星际迷航》中最受欢迎的一集(也是埃里森与《星际迷航》编剧吉恩·罗登贝瑞(Gene Roddenberry)漫长夙怨的根源)。另一部是他编辑的篇幅宏大的小说选集《危险影像》(1967)。这本选集被誉为掀起了科幻小说 “新浪潮”运动的一声集结号——这一运动将性、毒品和文学实验引入科学幻想小说,打破了传统科学幻想小说中想法虽如星际穿越般脑洞大开,形式却刻板保守的印象。

His television work was feted, too; the Writers Guild of America honoured three more of his teleplays, as well as the one for “Star Trek”. One of his lawsuits accused the producers of “The Terminator” (1984) of ripping off his script for “Soldier” (1964), an episode of “The Outer Limits” about a remorselessly efficient soldier thrown back in time who ends up saving a family. He also sued the producers of “In Time” (2011) for its similarities to another of his Hugo winners, the much-anthologised “‘Repent, Harlequin!’ Said the Ticktockman” (1965), which explores repression in a world where time can be conserved, like energy, to be recycled and used later; on that occasion, though, he dropped the suit.

他的电视作品也广受欢迎;美国编剧协会(Writers Guild of America)表彰了他的另外三部电视剧本,以及《星际迷航》(Star Trek)的那一集。他众多的诉讼中有一项,就是指控《终结者》(1984)的制片人剽窃了他的《士兵》(1964)剧本,这是为《外星界限》(the Outer Limits)创作的一集,讲述了一名冷酷而高效的士兵被扔回到过去,最终却拯救了一个家庭的故事。他还起诉了《时代》(In Time)(2011)的制作人,原因是该片与他的另一部雨果奖作品小说选集《“忏悔吧,小丑!”嘀嗒人说》有相似之处。《“忏悔吧,小丑!”嘀嗒人说》探讨了在时间可以像能量一样被保存被回收利用的世界里,人们内心的压抑;不过,这一次,他撤诉了。

Page after page


Mr Ellison wrote all the time, pounding out the pages first on a Remington Rand and then from the early 1950s on Olympias, which he treated like jackhammers (he never made friends with the laptop). His desk was in the library of the strange Aztec house he built in southern California, a mostly peaceful corner except for the moment in 1994 when an earthquake hurled his 30,000 books from their shelves, knocking him out.


When he wasn’t being curmudgeonly, Ellison could be kind, even courtly. And he gave good, if shouty, advice. As Mr Gaiman recalled in 2013: “About 15 years ago, he came up to me at a convention and said, ‘GAIMAN, WHY THE FUCK DON’T YOU EVER SHAVE?’ I said, I have a really tough beard and sensitive skin, and I don’t like shaving. ‘CONDITIONER. JUST PUT CONDITIONER ON, LEAVE IT ON, WASH IT OFF, SHAVE. WORKS LIKE A FUCKING CHARM.’ And it did.”



Li Xia, 女, HR, 经济学人发烧友

Neil,  男,外贸民工,经济学人铁粉




Lee,男,医学英译  Timberland爱好者




Lucia ,女,翻译学硕士三年制,经济学人粉丝

美国著名的文学评论家布哈伊·哈桑曾说,“科幻小说可能在哲学上是天真的,在道德上是简单的,在美学上是有些主观的,或粗糙的,但是就它最好的方面而言,它似乎触及了人类集体梦想的神经中枢,解放出我们人类这具机器中深藏的某些幻想”。科幻小说家哈兰·埃利森(Harlan Ellison)凭借超人的想象力,为读者构建一个又一个丰富多彩的字面化世界,不断引导读者反思现实世界。如《星际迷航》倡导的平等、和平、和谐理念,其影视拍摄更是汇集了不同国籍演员,他们通力合作,亲如一家,在20世纪60年代,这种和平主题思想的表达无疑具有划时代意义。




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