








Sydney Brenner




Sydney Brenner, molecular biologist and spirited conversationalist, died on April 5th, aged 92


It was a book, rather than the natural world itself, that made Sydney Brenner want to be a scientist. He was so captivated by “The Science of Life”, by H.G. Wells, Julian Huxley and G.P. Wells, that rather than return it to the public library in Germiston, his South African birthplace, he paid a daunting two-shilling fine for losing it. Purloined in the 1930s, it was still with him in the 1990s.


A precocious boy—a student at the University of the Witwatersrand by the time he was 15—and bullied for it, reading was his connection to the wider world. Courses, he said, never taught him anything. The way to learn was to get a book that told you how to do things, and then to start doing them, whether it was making dyes or, later in life, programming computers. If he thought more deeply than the other great biologists of his age, which he did, it was surely because he read further, too.


Unsurprising, then, that he saw the life he studied as a thing that could be read—and that could read itself. In 1960, during a long conversation with two of the other giants of molecular biology, Francis Crick and François Jacob, he was the first person in the world—by about a second—to understand how cells read genes to make proteins. In the 1970s he suggested a way of turning all the genes needed to make up a human into a “Book of Man”—a precursor to the Human Genome Project that he would go on to champion. The most sustained project of his life was an attempt to learn how a tiny worm read itself into existence from nothing but an egg and a genome.


Which is not to say that he was locked in silent study. Anything but. He was voluble, and mischievous. He joked, and harangued, and seemed rarely to let a thought go unexpressed. The years in which he shared an office with Crick in Cambridge were times of endless talk, of sense and nonsense; nothing, he would say, was too stupid to say. It was not a dictum to which he was true. He made plenty of people think that what they had said was indeed stupid. He mocked people; he wrote them off, too. But he believed it was true of himself, and of those he chose to respect.



1.write off: to defeat an opponent easily


He met Crick in 1953, when on a cold April day he and other young researchers from Oxford drove to Cambridge to see the model of the dna double-helix structure that Crick and James Watson had assembled at the Cavendish Laboratory. It was, he said, the watershed moment of his life. After spells in America and back in South Africa, he and Crick became room mates, friends and collaborators. They shared their fathers’ trade—both men had been shoemakers, though Harry Crick’s Northamptonshire version of the business had been more comfortable than that of Morris Brenner, an illiterate Lithuanian immigrant. They shared impressive eyebrows, too. Recalling a conversation with Brenner at the high table of Kings College, the historian Horace Freeland Judson noted that some of the hairs in them were a full three inches long.

他与克里克相识于1953年一个寒冷的四月天。那天他与其它几位年轻研究员一同驱车从牛津前往位于剑桥的卡文迪许实验室(the Cavendish Laboratory)参观由克里克和詹姆斯·沃森(James Watson)搭建的脱氧核糖核酸双螺旋结构模型。那次参观后来被他称为人生中的转折点。之后他去美国转了一圈,后来又重回南非,在母校金山大学执教了一段时间。重回剑桥后,他与克里克成为了室友、挚友并开始一起进行研究。两人的父亲甚至从事过同样的行业,都做过制鞋匠。当然哈里·克里克(克里克的父亲)在家乡北安普顿郡做生意肯定比莫里斯·布伦纳(布伦纳的父亲)这个目不识丁的立陶宛移民在南非做生意要容易得多。他们二人在外貌上也有相似之处,两人眉毛都十分引人注目。据历史学家霍勒斯·贾德森( Horace Freeland Judson)回忆他与布伦纳在伦敦大学国王学院贵宾席上交谈时的场景,发现他(布伦纳)有几根眉毛甚至足足有三英寸长(7.62cm)。



2.watershed moment:分水岭,转折点

3.high table:贵宾席,a table for the use of fellows (members of the Senior Common Room) and their guests at Oxford, Cambridge, Dublin and Durham colleges. Other academic institutions (such as University of London; University of St Andrews)also have high tables. The table is normally at the end of the dining hall on a raised platform, although this is not always the case. On more formal evening occasions, dinner jackets are worn. It is also normal to wear academic gowns.


More to the point, Brenner and Crick developed a shared way of looking at the problem they faced: how dna told cells to make proteins. Brenner had read papers by the mathematician John von Neumann from which he had taken the lesson that what was necessary for reproduction was a structure that contained within itself an account of how it could be made—the account, the finished structure and the means of its making being logically distinct. Though he did not articulate the ideas straight away, they were to inform both men’s thinking about the genetic code that is written in dna and how it is read first by being transcribed into “messenger rna” and then translated through “adaptors” into protein.

更重要的是,布伦纳和克里克形成了统一的研究方法来面对这一难题:DNA是如何指导细胞生产蛋白质的。布伦纳曾读过数学家约翰·冯·诺依曼(John von Neumann)的论文,从中他明白了繁殖的前提是结构内部包含了指导再生的指令——从逻辑意义上来说,该指令与成品结构和再生资料间应该是独立分开的。尽管布伦纳并未立刻向克里克表达自己的想法,两人却不约而同地想到了DNA中基因密码的传递方式:这些密码先被转录成mRNA(messenger RNA),再经由mRNA这个“适配器”的传递最终把密码写进蛋白质里。


More to the point:更精确一点来说,更切题的,更重要的

By the early 1960s they were looking for new fields. Brenner chose to apply the idea that a life form was a computer reading a program that told it how to make itself at the level of a whole organism, rather than a cell or virus. To do this, he needed an organism to study. Naturally, he looked for it in books. On a day when he was ill his wife May collected one from Heffers, a Cambridge bookshop, that introduced him to a tiny nematode worm called Caenorhabditis elegans. It turned out to be perfect; transparent, and thus easily looked into; easily frozen, too, for later use. Normally hermaphroditic, which meant it could be copied; but capable of sex, so mutants could be crossbred when necessary. Simple—just a few thousand cells in all, and with a nervous system (Brenner’s particular interest) of just 300. Quickly bred—a generation every three days. And its development was as deterministic as a programmer could wish; every adult with the same number of cells arranged the same way, every connection between nerves constant and mappable.










Brenner and his colleagues spent decades anatomising the worm’s development, its genome and the fate of all its cells. Increasingly, labs elsewhere followed suit; by one estimate the worm and its workings are now studied by 1,500 research groups around the world. Brenner, his Cambridge colleague John Sulston and Robert Horvitz of mit were awarded the Nobel prize for medicine in 2002 in recognition of their work on its developmental pathways and the ways that some cells were programmed to die in order for the desired final anatomy to take shape.

布伦纳和同事们用了几十年的时间来剖析线虫的成长过程,它的基因构成和所有细胞最后的走向。渐渐的,其他地方的实验室也纷纷开始效仿;据估计,现在全世界各地已经有1500个研究团队在研究“秀丽隐杆线虫”及其活动。2002年,诺贝尔医学奖被授予了布伦纳和他在剑桥的同事约翰·萨尔斯顿(John Sulston),麻省理工大学的罗伯特·霍维茨(Robert Horvitz),以褒奖他们对于通过研究秀丽隐杆线虫的生长发育方式而发现器官发育和细胞程序性凋亡的遗传调控机理所做出的贡献。



Starter for ten


He was, for the most part, a starter, not a finisher, much better at opening institutions than running them. In his early years, he delighted in remembering later on, he was described as an “enfant terrible” of his field; at an age when others would retire (he never did) he re-styled himself as wily old Uncle Syd, dispensing sharp questions and half-formed provocations, surprising young researchers with an ability to know what organism they were working on by reading just a snatch of dna or protein sequence over their shoulder.



Enfant terrible:使大人难堪的孩子 a French expression, traditionally referring to a child who is terrifyingly candid by saying embarrassing things to parents or others.However, the expression has drawn multiple usage in careers of art, fashion, music, and other creative arts. In these careers, it implies a successful, and often young, "genius" who is very unorthodox, striking, and in some cases, offensive, or rebellious.

The Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edition, gives the definition: "A child who embarrasses his elders by untimely remarks; transf. a person who compromises his associates or his party by unorthodox or ill-considered speech or behaviour; loosely, one who acts unconventionally."


“Inside every animal there is an internal description of that animal,” Brenner told Judson at high table as Judson fixated on his eyebrows. Inside him sat both the reasons for the flamboyant development of those hairs and the reason such internal descriptions so fascinated him. It was a life that read itself.













读完本期文章,再次深深体会到读书的重要。正所谓:“腹有经纶气自华,胸怀天下志高远。”书籍给人以心灵的慰藉,为人装上梦想的翅膀。本期讣告主人公的梦想便是来自于书籍。儿时的他曾对图书馆里一本书爱不释手,甚至不惜代价,以弄丢书籍为借口,把那本书保留在自己的身边。一本好书,不仅是我们的良师益友,更是指引这我们前行的罗盘。The Science of Life就是悉尼布伦纳的罗盘。每每遇到困惑时,布伦纳第一想到的就是求助于书籍,这一点我们着实有必要好好学习一下,毕竟在这样一个什么都快的时代,人们似乎更偏爱于用快捷方便的方式,来获取答案,用心钻研的精神确实少见。


说到布伦纳,就不得不提到秀丽隐杆线虫。他首创线虫研究,为分子生物学开辟了一个全新的领域。(建议不知秀丽隐杆线虫为何物的同学,自行百度一下,毕竟这可是一种长度为1mm, 通身透明,雌雄同体……)


