169.Lymphangitic carcinomatosis(癌性淋巴管炎)


Lymphangitic spread of tumor in the lung is a relatively rare metastatic pattern, typically to the result of adenocarcinomas.


The tumor cells are deposited in the lung periphery by hematogenous dissemination and then, rather than forming the typical nodule, infiltrate the pulmonary lymphatics and interlobular septa growing back toward the hila, producing thickening of the interlobular septa and peribronchovascular interstitium.


Occasionally, the spread of lymphoma can also occur along pulmonary lymphatics, extending peripherally from a central lesion. Although pulmonary sarcoidosis may mimic this radiographic appearance, the patient’s clinical presentation and past medical history should allow for confident distinction of the two.


In particular, the presence of unilateral disease or pleural effusion strongly favors lymphangitic carcinoma . When in doubt the diagnosis can be confirmed by bronchoscopy with trans-bronchial biopsy. It is important to remember that lung cancer and treatment of lung cancer with radiation therapy may lead to central venous and lymphatic obstruction that may result in interstitial opacities . This local phenomenon should not be confused with lymphangitic carcinomatosis and the inappropriate use of this term can have grave implications with the misclassification of staging leading to inappropriate therapy.




1. lymphangitic adj. 淋巴管炎的

2. carcinomatosis [ˌkɑ:səˌnoʊmə'toʊsɪs] n. 癌扩散

3. metastatic [ˌmetə'stætɪk] adj. 转移性的

4. adenocarcinoma [ˌædnoʊˌkɑ:sə'noʊmə] n. 腺癌

5. periphery [pəˈrɪfəri] n. 外围; 边缘

6. hematogenous [ˌhemə'tɒdʒənəs] adj.造血的,血行的

7. dissemination [dɪˌsɛməˈneʃən] n. 播散

8. sarcoidosis [ˌsɑ:kɔɪ'doʊsɪs] n. 结节病

9. pleural ['plʊərə] adj. 胸腔; 胸膜的

10. bronchoscopy [b'rɒntʃəskəpɪ] n. 支气管镜




