

中国检查艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率260155.76%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码14104     Oil filtering equipment缺陷描述The OWS found out of order, once running it start to alarm. 油水分离机故障MARPOL Annex I, M73/78/ANI/R16 (30)缺陷照片2澳大利亚检查艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率14674.79%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码07109     Fixed fire extinguishing installation缺陷描述Engine room fixed foam fire extinguishing system - foam liquid pump not operational. 机舱固定泡沫灭火系统,泡沫泵故障SOLAS ch. II-2, S74/CII-2/R10 (30)缺陷照片3日本检查艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率15731.91%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码18319     Food segregation缺陷描述Inspection interval of food and catering - not carried out in accordance with DMLC part ii     MLC 2006 Title 3, (17)食品未按照DMLC partii的要求进行检查缺陷照片4俄罗斯检查船舶艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率4200%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码18420     Cleanliness of engine room缺陷描述Double bottom plating, mechanisms oily and dirty conditionMLC 2006 Title 4,  99 - Other (specify)/ONE MONTH踏板布满机械油和灰尘缺陷照片


