1. The movie lasted _____ it was expected.2. I find detective stories _____ any other ones.3. Steve was much _____ all of his classmates.
4. Although she looks younger, she is _____ of the two.5. We could barely catch _____ train to London.6. Tom put up his hand to solve _____ question on the worksheet.7. The man went to all the shops to find _____ shoes he could find.8. I don't think we could have come any _____. Besides, there was a traffic jam.9. Of his three daughters, the king loved _____ best.10. Edward is _____ his twin Fernando since Fernando was born first.二、用表中所给词的比较级或最高级填空
good x2
crowded x2
1. The Volga is _____ river in Europe and the 16th longest one in the world.2. Istanbul is _____ city of Turkey.3. The theater was _____ than the stadium.4. He is living on the world's _____ island.5. Both my parents are working, but my mother makes _____ money than my father.6. Leyla used to be _____ until two years ago but she has gained a lot of weight, so she is overweight now.7. My classmate Jake's English grade is _____ than mine.8. In fact, Jake's grade is _____ of the class.三、用表中所给的短语来完成句子
much funnier
the least developed
a lot more complicated
much more interesting
less cold
The oldest
much worse
the more suitable
Many more people
far more expensive
the most influential
the safest
1. I heard a little polite laughter when I told my jokes but every one laughed loudly when Gaby was telling hers. Her jokes are always _____ than mine.2. The negative effects of watching too much television are _____ than they appear to be at first glance.3. The Japanese islands have a climate modified and moderated by the sea; winters are _____ than in those areas that are in the same latitude on the Asian continent.4. Only by multilateral action, can we give people in _____ countries the chance to escape the ugly misery of poverty, ignorance and disease.5. That movie we saw last night was _____ than the one on television.6. _____ known dam, an engineering wonder of the ancient world, lies near Marib, once the home of the Queen of Sheba.7. I broke my nose in a football game yesterday. Today it's very painful. For same reason, the pain is _____ today than it was yesterday.8. _____ die in car accidents than in plane accidents. Statistics show that driving your own car is more dangerous than flying in an airplane.9. Marcel Duchamp is considered as one of _____ artists of the 20th century by the modern art world.10. From my point of view, of the two applicants, the latter one is _____ for the post.11. It is _____ to live in London than any other city in Britain. Rents are much higher and it is difficult to find accommodation of any kind.12. Titanic was said to be _____ ocean liner in the world. When it set sail, all the cabins were full, from the most expensive to the cheapest ones on the lower deck.四、答案、参考翻译 题一:1. longer than这部电影持续的时间比预期的要长。2. more exciting than我发现侦探小说比其他任何一部都令人兴奋。解析:exciting [ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ] 是多音节形容词,比较级和最高级是在前面分别加 more 和 most.3. taller than史蒂夫比他所有的同学都高很多。4. the older虽然她看起来年轻,但她是两人中年龄较大的。5. the latest我们几乎赶不上去伦敦的最晚火车。6. the hardest汤姆举手解答工作表上最难的问题。7. the cheapest那人去了所有的商店寻找他能找到的最便宜的鞋子。8. faster我想我们来的已经很快。此外,还有交通堵塞。9. the youngest在他的三个女儿中,国王最爱最小的女儿。10. younger than爱德华比他的双胞胎费尔南多小,因为费尔南多第一次出生。题二: 1. the longest伏尔加河是欧洲最长的河流,也是世界上第16长的河流。2. the most populated伊斯坦布尔是土耳其人口最多的城市。3. more crowded剧院比体育场更拥挤。4. most crowded他住在世界上最拥挤的岛上。5. more我父母都在工作,但我母亲比我父亲挣钱多。6. thinner莱拉在两年前以前一直很瘦,但现在体重增加了很多,所以她现在超重了。7. better我的同学杰克的英语成绩比我的好。8. the best事实上,杰克的成绩是班上最好的。题三:1. much funnier当我讲笑话时,我听到了一些礼貌的笑声,但当加比讲她的笑话时,每个人都笑得很大声。她的笑话总是比我的有趣得多。2. a lot more complicated 看太多电视的负面影响比乍看起来要复杂得多。3. less cold 日本岛屿的气候受到海洋的影响和缓和;冬天比亚洲大陆同纬度地区的气候要冷。4. the least developed只有通过多边行动,我们才能使最不发达国家的人民有机会摆脱贫穷、无知和疾病的痛苦。5. much more interesting我们昨晚看的那部电影比电视上的那部有趣得多。6. The oldest已知最古老的水坝是古代世界的工程奇观,位于马里布附近,那里曾经是示巴女王的家。7. much worse我昨天在一场足球比赛中摔断了鼻子。今天很痛苦。同样的原因,今天的疼痛比昨天严重得多。8. Many more people死于车祸的人比死于飞机事故的人多得多。统计数据显示,开自己的车比坐飞机更危险。9. the most influential马塞尔·杜尚被现代艺术界誉为20世纪最具影响力的艺术家之一。10. the more suitable在我看来,在这两个申请人中,后一个更适合这个职位。11. far more expensive住在伦敦比英国的任何一个城市都贵得多。房租要高得多,而且很难找到任何类型的住处。12. the safest据说泰坦尼克号是世界上最安全的远洋班轮。当它起航时,所有的船舱都坐满了,从最贵的到最便宜的都在下层甲板上。