USB Type C Supports DisplayPort Signals


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USB Type C will cut down on wires, allow for bi-directional power


Type-C USB also allows for bi-directional power, so apart from charging the peripheral device, when applicable, a peripheral device could also charge a host device. This means users can do away with an array of proprietary power adapters and USB cables, and move to a single robust and small solution that works for all devices. Type-C USB will significantly reduce the number of wires required to make devices work.

Type-C USB还允许双向电源,因此,除了为外围设备充电,当适用时,外围设备还可以为主机设备充电;这意味着用户可以放弃一系列专有的电源适配器和USB电缆,转而使用一个单一的、健壮的、适用于所有设备的小型解决方案,Type-C USB将大大减少使设备工作所需的电线数量.

USB Type-C ports can support a variety of different protocols using “alternate modes,” which allows you to have adapters that can output HDMI, VGA, DisplayPort, or other types of connections from that single USB port.

USB Type-C端口可以使用“备用模式”支持各种不同的协议,这允许您拥有能够从单个USB端口输出HDMI、VGA、DisplayPort或其他类型连接的适配器。


DisplayPort and USB both use a packet-based data structure and use content embedded high-speeded data transmission channels to allow the same circuit and connector lines to transmit SuperSpeed USB data (USB 3.1 Gen 2) data at the rate of 10 Gbps per channel or transmit the new DisplayPort 1.3 standard DisplayPort data at the rate of 8.1 Gbps per channel.

显示端口和USB都使用分组数据结构和使用内容嵌入的高速数据传输通道,允许相同的电路和连接器线传输的基础上(USB 3.1 Gen 2)数据的速度10 Gbps每通道或新的显示端口1.3标准显示接口数据传输的速度每通道8.1 Gbps.

Using the DisplayPort Alt Mode, a USB Type-C connector and cable can deliver full DisplayPort audio/video (A/V) performance, driving monitor resolutions of 4K and higher, SuperSpeed USB (USB 3.1) data and up to 100 watts of power over one cable. The DisplayPort Alt Mode can also drive adaptors that support the huge installed base of existing DisplayPort, HDMI, DVI, and VGA displays.

使用DisplayPort Alt模式,USB Type-C连接器和电缆可以提供完整的显示端口音频/视频(a /V)性能,驱动4K及更高分辨率的显示器,高速USB (USB 3.1)数据和100瓦的电力在一根电缆上。DisplayPort Alt模式还可以驱动适配器,以支持现有的DisplayPort、HDMI、DVI和VGA显示器的巨大安装基础.

The 4K and 8K high-quality transmission specifications war


With the advent of 4K and 8K video, the MHL, DisplayPort and HDMI alliances all have developed new regulations to improve the quality of video transmission. MHL launched SuperMHL, which can stream video at rates of up to 8k. In September 2014, the DisplayPort 1.3 standards were revised and the rate of video transmission raised to 50% to stream 8K@60 Hz. Currently, HDMI 2.0’s top resolution is 4K@60Hz. SuperMHL can reach 8K@120 Hz. These are all 48-bit streaming technologies, so quality is considerably better than in the past.

随着4K和8K视频的出现,MHL、DisplayPort和HDMI联盟都制定了提高视频传输质量的新规定,MHL推出了SuperMHL,能以高达8k的速度播放视频,2014年9月,DisplayPort 1.3标准进行了修订,8k@60hz流视频传输速率提高到50%,目前,HDMI 2.0的最高分辨率是4K@60Hz,SuperMHL可以达到8k@120hz,这些都是48位的流技术,所以质量比过去好很多.

SuperMHL focuses on sound effects. DisplayPort 1.3 focuses on the low power consumption

SuperMHL专注于声音效果,DisplayPort 1.3侧重于低功耗

MHL focuses on video. Its standards are applied in consumer electronics and its member alliances are composed largely of consumer electronics makers.


By contrast, VESA focuses on lowering power consumption, as its members are mostly software, hardware, PC and monitor vendors. For instance, the DisplayPort 1.3 standard added the Panel Self Refresh (PSR) function. With this function, when the panel is not being used, its transmission to the GPU will be cut, lowering power consumption and saving energy. Besides that, the newly added HBR 3 connection rate enables each channel to reach a transmission rate of 8.1 Gbps while overall data transmission can reach 25.92 Gbps.

相比之下,VESA侧重于降低功耗,因为其成员主要是软件、硬件、PC和监视器供应商,例如,DisplayPort 1.3标准增加了面板自刷新(PSR)功能,有了这个功能,当面板不使用时,它的传输到GPU,降低了功耗,节约了能源,此外,新增加的hbr3连接速率使每个通道的传输速率达到8.1 Gbps,而整体数据传输速率达到25.92 Gbps.

New eDP standards add the panel design flexibility for panel makers


The Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) today published the Embedded DisplayPort (eDP) Standard version 1.4a in February. Replacing eDP v1.4, published in February 2013, eDP 1.4a enables a higher video data transfer rate for increased panel resolution, greater color depth and higher refresh rates. It also incorporates the VESA Display Stream Compression (DSC) Standard v1.1, and features a new segmented panel architecture that enables higher panel integration. These and other improvements were made to the eDP 1.4a standard to harness higher GPU video performance and newer display technologies, while also enabling reduced system power and form factor.

视频电子标准协会(VESA)今天在2月份发布了嵌入式显示端口(eDP)标准版1.4a,取代了2013年2月发布的eDP v1.4, eDP 1.4a实现了更高的视频数据传输速率,提高了面板分辨率、更高的颜色深度和更高的刷新率,它还集成了VESA Display Stream Compression (DSC)标准v1.1,并具有新的分段面板体系结构,可以实现更高的面板集成,对eDP 1.4a标准进行了这些和其他改进,以利用更高的GPU视频性能和更新的显示技术,同时还降低了系统功耗和表单因数.

The eDP v1.4a standard leverages the VESA DisplayPort (DP) Standard v1.3, published in September 2014, as a base specification. That standard’s new higher HBR3 link rate, which operates at 8.1 Gbps per lane, is now also part of eDP v1.4a. With both HBR3 and the DSC v1.1 standard included, the latest eDP standard can support embedded panels with up to 8K resolution.

eDP v1.4a标准利用了2014年9月发布的VESA DisplayPort (DP)标准v1.3作为基础规范。该标准的新的更高的HBR3链路速率,以每条车道8.1 Gbps的速度运行,现在也是eDP v1.4a的一部分。随着HBR3和DSC v1.1标准的加入,最新的eDP标准可以支持高达8K分辨率的嵌入式面板

According to VESA, for embedded display applications, DSC is most often used to decrease video interface data rate or wire count, as well as reduce display frame buffer size, thereby reducing system power usage to extend





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