本·阿隆森(Ben Aronson)的城市风光

画家本·阿隆森(Ben Aronson), 1958年出生在马萨诸塞州波士顿。他用当代现实主义的观察力综合了充满情感的抽象表现主义笔触的手法,通过研究创造出令人愉悦氛围的画面,Aronson的特质和对光影的关注将其观众带到了精确的位置和时间上。Aronson作品的基础是他天生的捕捉光线的能力以及光线在他所访问的城市之间和内部的变化方式。与理查德·迪本科恩(Richard Diebenkorn)和韦恩·蒂博(Wayne Thiebaud)的影响一样,阿龙森的绘画质感,郁郁葱葱的调色板和空中视角在不牺牲其令人惊叹的几何构图的情况下营造出明显的风景。

本·阿龙森(Ben Aronson)敏锐地意识到,特定的环境(光线,空气和表面状态)可以控制我们的思想和感觉。在他的城市景观中,阿隆森奉行他所谓的“城市标志” -定义特定环境的独特标志。阿隆森(Aronson)精心工作以建立自己的作品,营造出自发性和运动感,掩盖了过程的缓慢性。


Painter Ben Aronson (b. 1958, Boston, Massachusetts) synthesizes the gestural energy of emotionally charged abstract expressionist brushwork with the observational precision of contemporary realism. Building from studies created en plein air, Aronson’s specificity and attention to light and shadow transport his viewer to a precise location and moment in time. Foundational to Aronson’s work is his innate ability to capture light and the ways in which light varies between and within the cities he visits. As with his influences Richard Diebenkorn and Wayne Thiebaud, Aronson’s painterly texture, lush color palette, and aerial perspectives create a palpable sense of his landscapes without sacrificing their stunning geometric compositions.

Ben Aronson is keenly aware of how a given environment, a state of light, air and surface, can hold sway over our thoughts and feelings. In his cityscapes, Aronson pursues what he refers to as “the urban signature”-the unique mark that defines that given environment. Working meticulously to build up his compositions, Aronson creates a sense of spontaneity and movement that belies the slowness of the process.

Aronson received both his BFA and MFA from Boston University. In 2005 he was elected as an Academician to the National Academy of Design in New York. His work has been the subject of numerous museum exhibitions, including the Asheville Art Museum, NC; the Georgia Museum of Art, Athens; and the Ogunquit Museum of American Art, ME. In addition, Aronson’s work is included in the collections of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, the Denver Museum of Contemporary Art and the New Orleans Museum of Art, among many others. He lives and works in the Boston area.

