




乳腺浸润癌(BINV)基因表达检测指导术后全身治疗决策(BINV-N 3 of 5)

  • 70基因(MammaPrint)对于病理淋巴结阴性或1~3枚淋巴结阳性患者化疗决策的指导作用:2016年美国麻省医学会《新英格兰医学杂志》发表的MINDACT研究中位随访5年结果表明,对于临床风险高而70基因风险低的早期乳腺癌患者,术后未接受辅助化疗的无远处转移生存率为94.7%(95%置信区间:92.5%~96.2%)。对于1~3枚淋巴结阳性患者,术后接受辅助化疗的无远处转移生存率为96.3%(95%置信区间:93.1~98.1),而未接受辅助化疗的无远处转移生存率为95.6%(95%置信区间:92.7~97.4)。因此,此类患者术后辅助化疗的额外获益可能很小。根据亚组分析,化疗获益主要见于50岁以下患者。2021年英国《柳叶刀》肿瘤学分册发表的MINDACT研究中位随访8.7年结果表明,化疗与不化疗相比,年龄≤50岁患者的8年远处无转移生存率相差5.4%±2.8%,年龄>50岁患者的8年远处无转移生存率仅相差0.2%±2.3%。尚不明确年龄≤50岁女性所见化疗获益是否与化疗所致卵巢功能抑制相关。

  • 70-gene (MammaPrint) (for pN0 and 1-3 positive nodes): With a median follow-up of 5 years, among patients at high clinical risk and low genomic risk, the rate of survival without distant metastasis in this group was 94.7% (95% CI, 92.5%-96.2%) among those who did not receive adjuvant chemotherapy. Among patients with 1-3 positive nodes, the rates of survival without distant metastases were 96.3% (95% CI, 93.1-98.1) in those who received adjuvant chemotherapy vs 95.6 (95% CI, 92.7-97.4) in those who did not receive adjuvant chemotherapy. Therefore, the additional benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy may be small in this group. In a subset analyses, the benefit of chemotherapy was mostly seen in patients under 50 years of age. The absolute difference in distant metastatic-free survival at 8 years in those receiving chemotherapy for patients ≤ 50 years was 5.4% ± 2.8% versus 0.2% ± 2.3% for those >50 years. It is not known whether the benefit of chemotherapy observed in women ≤ 50 years is related to chemotherapy-induced ovarian function suppression.

乳腺浸润癌(BINV)基因表达检测指导术后全身治疗决策(BINV-N 5 of 5)

  • 更新参考文献

  • References have been updated. Piccart M, van 't Veer LJ, Poncet C, et al. 70-gene signature as an aid for treatment decisions in early breast cancer: updated results of the phase 3 randomised MINDACT trial with an exploratory analysis by age. Lancet Oncol. 2021;22(4):476-488.


