本文选自《经济学人》2019年7月6日文章。本期《经济学人》“The World If”专栏的几篇文章都非常有意思,有2020中美南海冲突,2024美国脱离NATO,2030人工智能,2020 Facebook退出欧洲等。今天要讲的这篇就是2030人工智能预测。

If antibiotics stop working 如果抗生素不起作用
Attack of the superbugs: July 2041 超级细菌的攻击:2041年7月
How the world belatedly responded to antimicrobial resistance. An imagined scenario from 2041
belatedly: 迟了的、姗姗来迟的
antimicrobial: 抗菌剂

Jul 6th 2019 | GENEVA AND NEW YORK
AT THE CHAN ZUCKERBERG HOSPITAL in New York, Emma Jones beams a weak smile at her newborn son, cradled in her husband’s arms. Ms Jones is recovering from a severe bacterial infection that she contracted during her Caesarean section. The infection had begun to shut down her organs; doctors put her in a coma and hooked her up to a breathing machine. “We didn’t think she’d make it,” says Rosa Velasquez, an infectious-disease specialist at the hospital. Ms Jones is lucky. She is one of a handful of people to have been treated with parvomycin, the first new antibiotic to become available since 2024. The few older antibiotics that are still in use today work only rarely. In 2040 antibiotic-resistant bacteria killed nearly 400,000 people in Europe and America—more than seven times as many as in 2015. In Africa and Asia, drug-resistant tuberculosis alone now kills nearly 2m people a year, ten times more than in the 2010s.
cradle: 把...放在摇篮内、抚育,这里指“婴儿躺在...上”
tuberculosis: 肺结核
在纽约的陈-扎克伯格医院,艾玛-琼斯对着躺在他丈夫手臂中的刚出生的儿子微微一笑。琼斯女士在剖腹产手术中感染了严重的细菌,目前正在康复中。感染开始使她的器官衰竭,医生让她昏迷,并给她接上了呼吸机。医院的传染病专家Rosa Velasquez说:“我们没想到她能活下来。”琼斯女士很幸运。她是少数接受过parvomycin治疗的人之一,parvomycin是自2024年以来出现的第一种新型抗生素,是目前仍在使用的几种较老的抗生素,不过很少起作用。2040年,欧洲和美国有近40万人死于耐抗生素细菌,是2015年的7倍多。仅在非洲和亚洲,每年就有近200万人死于耐药结核病,是本世纪头十年的十倍。
In Western countries the rise in deadly infections has been primarily in hospitals. Back when antibiotics still worked, they were used preventively in almost all operations. In 2015 surgical-wound infections occurred in less than 5% of cases for most types of operations in Europe; by 2040 the rate had leapt to nearly 30% for some operations. Caesarean sections, which at their peak made up one-third of births in America in 2019, are now carried out only when there is no other option.
Some hospitals no longer perform elective surgeries, such as hip and knee replacements, because so few patients are willing to take the risk of post-operative infection. But surgeons are busier with amputations, which have nearly doubled in Europe in the past decade. The lack of effective antibiotics means that amputating a limb is sometimes the only way to treat an infected skin ulcer in a diabetic patient. At the Chan Zuckerberg Hospital, most heartbreaking are the paediatric wards. They are full of children recovering from amputations, many as a result of sepsis. “It often starts with just a scrape, a bug bite or a strep throat,” says Dr Velasquez, “things that take-home antibiotics easily cleared up 20 years ago.”
amputation: 截肢
diabetic: 糖尿病