雅思口语| 来自美剧《纸牌屋》的高分表达9

1 staff cut 裁员
I'm gonna need her money for the CWI, the staff cuts were just not enough.净水计划需要她的捐款光裁员还不够。
2 pass meaningful reform 让好的改革法案通过
It's about passing meaningful reform,maybe not everything you would've hope, but...我们得让好的改革法案通过也许与你的期望有出入,但是
3 get you down 难过
Good. And Donald, don't let this get you down.很好,唐纳德,别为此难过
4 rewrite the bill 重新起草
Donald Blythe and Donald Blythe's new draft.Eventually I'll have to rewrite the bill myself.唐纳德·布莱斯和他的新草案最终我还是得亲自出马重新起草
5 do sb. no good 于某人无益
Leave ideologies for the Armchair General,does me no good.纸上谈兵那一套于我无益.
6 a boy scout 单纯的政治家
Kern is a boy scout.科恩身家清白
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