雅思口语 常用7+短语动词(2)
1 mess up 弄脏,搞乱(a plan, an area, the floor,a situation)
e.g. The boy messed up the kitchen.
2 swot up 临阵磨枪
e.g. I'm desperately trying to swot up for my exams.
3 beaver away 努力做某事
e.g. I spend my days beavering away at my desk.
4 veg out 懒散,无所事事
e.g. I spend my evenings vegging out in front of the television.
5 breeze through 轻松通过 (life,exam,course)
e.g. I believe you will breeze through the exam.
6 swan around 在某处悠然闲逛(world)
e.g. My dream is to swan around the world.
7 muck around (sb/sth) 耍弄
e.g. Give me a straight answer, don't muck me around!
8 look sb up 看望,拜访
e.g. She looked up some friends of bygone years. 她去看望了一些过去的老朋友

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