
旅美艺术家,毕业于西北纺织学院服装设计专业,后毕业于北京大学艺术学院文化创意产业研究生班,2006年后定居美国,现为平遥国际艺术中心艺委会委员,香港FAC国际少儿艺术研究院学术委员会委员,北京上苑艺术家联合会理事,美国Kelly工作室艺术主持,2020迪拜世博会中华文化馆艺术指导,作品曾在法国 clunny 艺术中心,纽约metropolitan pavilion等艺术机构多次展出,并于2019年10月在北京东岳美术馆举办个人艺术展
Artist in America, who graduated from the Fashion Design of Northwest Textile Institute, graduated from graduate class of Cultural and creative Industry, School of Arts, Peking University, settled in the United States after 2006, currently she is member of  Art Committee of Pingyao International Art Center, Hong Kong FAC International Children's Art Research Institute Academic Committee, director of Beijing Shangyuan Artists Association,  Kelly Studio Art host, Art director, Chinese Cultural Center, Dubai Expo 2020,Her works have been exhibited at Clunny Art Center in France, Metropolitan Pavilion in New York and other art institutions for many times. In October 2019, she held her own art exhibition at Dongyue Art Museum in Beijing

接受  布面油画  2021


Oil on canvas


Slowly Searching for Romance
—The Artistic Life of Zhang Jun, an Artist in the United States
The first time I saw the paintings of Zhang Jun,an artist living in America,in New York, I was deeply moved. The flowers in the picture are open recklessly, but the whole is submerged in a rich and dark tone, which makes people feel an inexplicable ambivalence and mysterious feeling.

小熊娃娃  布面油画  2018

The Bear Doll

Oil on canvas


镜子  布面油画  2018


Oil on canvas


Zhang Jun is a beautiful woman with a gentle and generous appearance. You will feel the gentleness and elegance of a woman when she speaks softly. There is a rare simplicity and peace in her paintings. She can repeatedly paint a group of still lifes, and she can also be obsessed with the expression of flowers. This kind of almost monotonous simplicity and deep water-like calm makes people feel the life blooming under the simplicity and the recollection of the years in the deep still water.
The loneliness and brilliant passion in the depths of a woman's life are intertwined with the ordinaryness of daily life and the melancholy joy that breaks through the self. I see the contradictions in the painting, sometimes happy, sometimes sad; sometimes lonely, sometimes warm.

领悟  布面油画  2018


Oil on canvas


蓝色植物  布面油画  2017

Blue plant

Oil on canvas


"On the most ordinary day in the United States, I took a different way home and saw the flowers blooming on the wall in the sun, so gorgeous and wild, so arrogant and lonely, I was moved and wanted to cry at that moment." Zhang Jun said. She is such a sensitive and rich woman, sometimes fragile and sometimes strong. I suddenly understood the contradictions and sadness in her paintings, and also realized the splendor and sincerity of her life. She said that it is great to return to Beijing. The air, trees and people here are so beautiful, just like I am in a foreign land but never left my homeland. The most touching thing in Zhang Jun's paintings is her unchanging simplicity and beauty, although there is always a haze in the wind and rain. As she said: "I try to use artistic techniques to convey arousal and experience through visual expression and visual translation, and use visual effects to turn invisible into perceivable, comprehensible and touchable..."

徘徊在悲伤中的花瓣  布面油画  2017

Petal That Linger In Sorrow

Oil on canvas


沉默的鸽子  布面油画  2017

The Silent Pigeon

Oil on canvas


In today's fast world, "Slow" is such a rare realm. Feel the beauty in the slow time, put the soul quietly in it, and self-support will have a poetic feeling in the heart. Slow down, to listen to the sound of a flower blooming, to see the buzzing bees on the flower picking the joy of spring; slow down, to listen to the first bird call in the morning, to see the first rays of sunrise. Slow down and listen to the joys and troubles of your child's little heart; slow down and listen to your own inner voice. Isn’t the “slowness” in Zhang Jun’s paintings a dream we pursue but is hard to achieve? Fortunately, she really slowed down, painted slowly, lived slowly, and slowly became clear... I think this may be the secret of her keep youthful charm forever!

红色  布面油画  2017


Oil on canvas


花的种子  布面油画  2016

Seeds of Flower

Oil on canvas




9 月 29 日于北京中央美术学院

Zhang Jun, please continue to keep your young and beautiful of pure beautiful forever! There is no wind at night, a bright room, and a dialogue with the heart. Those paintings are your mystery stories. It is actually you, me and others. The beauty of the mortal world lies in the discovery...
Zheng Qinyan
September 29 at Beijing Central Academy of Fine Arts

城市里的桥  布面油画  2015

Bridge in the city

Oil on canvas




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