



The Joker

The Laughing Lunatic. The Clown Prince of Crime. Batman’s greatest enemy. That’s how The Joker sees himself. With his white skin, green hair and constant grin, this villain has made it his life’s goal to cure Gotham City’s all-so-serious grimness and gloom. He might break the law, but he really just wants to make people smile…and to rule the city…and to get Batman to finally admit that he is his greatest enemy. Is that too much for a super-villain to ask?

Bat-Fact: Never laughs at Harley Quinn’s jokes.




The Joker

The Laughing Lunatic. The Clown Prince of Crime. Batman’s greatest enemy. That’s how The Joker sees himself. With his white skin, green hair and constant grin, this villain has made it his life’s goal to cure Gotham City’s all-so-serious grimness and gloom. He might break the law, but he really just wants to make people smile…and to rule the city…and to get Batman to finally admit that he is his greatest enemy. Is that too much for a super-villain to ask?

Bat-Fact: Never laughs at Harley Quinn’s jokes.




The Joker

The Laughing Lunatic. The Clown Prince of Crime. Batman’s greatest enemy. That’s how The Joker sees himself. With his white skin, green hair and constant grin, this villain has made it his life’s goal to cure Gotham City’s all-so-serious grimness and gloom. He might break the law, but he really just wants to make people smile…and to rule the city…and to get Batman to finally admit that he is his greatest enemy. Is that too much for a super-villain to ask?

Bat-Fact: Never laughs at Harley Quinn’s jokes.




Harley Quinn

Mirthful, mischievous and just a little bit malevolent, Harley Quinn is The Joker’s number one sidekick/hench-person/fan. She’s endlessly loyal to her beloved Puddin’, making her the only one in all of Gotham City that he can fully count on to help with his sinisterly silly schemes. And if Harley can cause enough of a distraction for Batman that The Joker can get away? That’s all the better!

Bat-Fact: Named MVP of her one-woman roller derby team.





Selina Kyle uses her stealth, whip and acrobatic cat-burglar skills to commit purr-fect crimes as the super-villainess Catwoman™, robbing Gotham City’s museums and high-rises of their rarest and most valuable treasures. Cross her path and it’ll mean bad luck for you – unless you’re Batman, whose heroic heart this felonious feline would love to steal.

Bat-Fact: Not really much of a dog person.




The Riddler

Edward Nigma’s only super-power is his brilliant mind, which he uses to come up with mind-bending puzzles to taunt the Gotham City police as they try to guess where and when he’ll commit his next crime. Fortunately, Batman’s knowledge of useless trivia is second to none, making the Dark Knight Detective the perfect hero to put together the clues and stop The Riddler’s ridiculous riddle rampage.

Bat-Fact: Uses too many question marks in his writing.




The Penguin

If a crime in Gotham City involves either birds or umbrellas, you can be sure that The Penguin™ is the culprit. An oddball crook indeed, Oswald Cobblepot likes to think of himself as both a criminal mastermind and a sophisticated gentleman, leading him to don a top hat and tuxedo for most of his schemes. His infamous trick umbrellas contain a variety of gadgets that range from flamethrowers to helicopter blades.Bat-Fact: No idea how he gets that monocle to stay in place.




Poison Ivy

Dr. Pamela Isley used to be a botanist, but her obsession with plants led her to become the super-villain Poison Ivy, using her powers over all things green and growing to try to transform Gotham City into a vegetable paradise free of humans and other pesky animals. Her toxin-infused body is immune to all poisons, and the effects of her kiss can range from mesmerizing to worse.

Bat-Fact: Her middle name is Daisy.





Boo! Were you scared? The Scarecrow sure hopes so. Dr. Jonathan Crane was so interested in studying the effects of fears and phobias that he decided to put on a creepy scarecrow costume and be a super-villain. The fear gas that he uses makes people imagine that their greatest fears have come to life, leaving them helpless until it wears off.

Bat-Fact: The Scarecrow’s biggest fear? Getting caught by Batman again.




Killer Croc

Carnival sideshow wrestler Waylon Jones was born with a rare genetic condition that over time has changed his appearance to become more and more like that of a real crocodile. With his powerful muscles, snapping jaws and tough scaly skin, Killer Croc more than makes up in brawn what he may lack in brains. Be glad you’re not this guy’s dentist!

Bat-Fact: Claims he almost “got” Batman once by throwing a really big rock at him.





This lady is no itsy-bitsy spider! A former FBI agent, Catalina Flores took up the mantle of an old-timey hero to become the new Tarantula. Although her plan was to be a Super Hero, her extreme methods have often made her walk the fine line between vigilante and all-out villain. She may not have super powers, but Tarantula’s twin blades and formidable fighting skills make her a capable adversary.

Bat-Fact: Despite name, still just has two legs.





He may look a little silly, but this super-villain’s powers pack a real kick! Zebra-Man’s body was irradiated by super-science, giving him both a wild pattern of stripes and the ability of diamagnetism. Now he can use his control belt to attract and repel any non-metallic objects without touching them, giving him what could literally be described as animal magnetism! (And also wood magnetism, plastic magnetism, water magnetism…)

Bat-Fact: When a whole herd of zebras are standing together, their stripes make them difficult to count.




Once an actor on the edge of obscurity, Basil Karlo was exposed to an experimental chemical compound that transformed him into the shape-changing Clayface. While his body may resemble a monstrous mass of mud-like clay, he can twist and reshape it to form weapons and other objects, and even imitate the appearances of other people. You never know when the ordinary minifigure next to you might be Clayface in disguise!

Bat-Fact: Once played every role in a production of Shakespeare’s “Macbrick”…badly.




Calendar Man

Whenever a holiday rolls around, the Gotham City Police know that they’re going to have to deal with Calendar Man again. Wearing a cape made out of calendar pages, the date-obsessed villain commits crimes themed after holidays both big and small, leaving clues that make it pretty simple to track him down. No matter how many times he’s caught, though, Calendar Man swears that he’ll get his day to shine.

Bat-Fact: Really looking forward to Leap Year.





Margaret Pye has always loved shiny things, especially ones that belong to other people. That’s why she became the villain Magpie and dedicated herself to stealing anything shiny that caught her eye. Whether it’s valuable or junk, she wants it all to decorate her glittery nest of a lair. Watch out for her explosive temper if you get between Magpie and her latest prize!

Bat-Fact: Loves diamonds almost as much as balls of tin foil.




Kite Man

Kite Man calls himself the master of kites. He wears a picture of a kite on his costume, uses kites for all of his super-villain tools and weapons, and even flies with the help of a giant kite when committing minor robberies and being a general nuisance. Although he’s surprisingly nimble in the air, it’s usually pretty easy to defeat him by just poking a hole in his kite.

Bat-Fact: Once beat Batman. Batman doesn’t like to talk about it.





