
费拉拉和博洛尼亚画图片来源于:互联网/文字由谷歌软件翻译仅参考费拉拉的埃斯特公爵是当地艺术家的活跃赞助商。在16世纪初期,Lordovico Mazzolino和Garofalo以其前任在Este宫廷的风格和主题为基础,强调文学主题,富有表现力的线条和类似珠宝的色彩。后来,对拉斐尔(Raphael)的绘画的接触促使加洛法洛采用了更为古典的风格。费拉拉最原始的才华是宫廷画家多索·多西(Dosso Dossi)。他对传统宗教题材的惊人诠释揭示了他对风景中光线影响的诗意。The Este dukes of Ferrara were active patrons of local artists. During the early 16th century, Lodovico Mazzolino and Garofalo built upon the style and motifs of their predecessors at the Este court, with their emphasis on literary subject matter, expressive line and jewel-like colour. Later, exposure to Raphael’s paintings encouraged Garofalo to adopt a more classical style. The most original talent in Ferrara was the court painter Dosso Dossi. His striking interpretations of traditional religious subjects reveal his poetic feeling for effects of light in landscape.

The Madonna and Child with SaintsBronzino

Portrait of a Knight of RhodesFranciabigio

Portrait of Girolamo BenivieniProbably by Ridolfo Ghirlandaio

Lamentation of the Dead ChristGiovanni Battista Naldini

Portrait of a CardinalScipione Pulzone

Portrait of Pope Julius IIRaphael

A Knight of Saint JohnRosso Fiorentino

Portrait of a Young Man holding a LetterRosso Fiorentino

The Madonna and Child, Saint Elizabeth and the BaptistAndrea del Sarto

Portrait of a LadySebastiano del Piombo

Portrait of a Lady with the Attributes of Saint AgathaSebastiano del Piombo

Allegory of PatienceGiorgio Vasari

