The moving positive energy with nothing relevant


The moving positive energy with nothing relevant


Some people’s lives are beautiful and amazing like summer flowers. On the contrary, some others can only weep alone in a corner. But the positive energy will not say no to anyone if you are willing to!


Wang Deshun who is 80: a walking sculpture

Wang Deshun worked in a drama league before he was 49 years old. And when he was 49, he created his own “modeling pantomime” which is the only pantomime type in the world. However, he determinedly became a member of “Northern Floating” and gave up his peaceful and stable life in order to make better performance. When he turned 60, he tried to act as a living sculpture. However, the living sculpture actors appear to make the audience feel like they are the bronze statues instead of a lump of fresh. Besides, the actors should display the artistic connotation. Because of his competitive nature, he began to build muscle. And up to now, he still insists on bodybuilding!



After he built muscle, he performed the living sculpture show one after one. Gradually, Wang Deshun steps into the public eyes. And he has developed some typical characters in the TV series and movies such as the Jade Emperor in The King of Kungfu and Li Dahai in Miss Granny. Moreover, on March of 2015, Elder Wang who was 79 yearsold dressed in the clothes designed by Hu Sheguang and walked up to the catwalk in the press conference of China International Fashion Week held in Beijing. With winning the consistent praise, he rocked the conference and became popular.


In fact, the human potential can be excavated. Merely, it is an excuse for your recession when you say it’s too late or you have no time. At all times, you only envy others instead of taking actions. Consequently, you could act as a spectator sitting in the audience and watch others’ brilliant performance on the stage!


The modern Chinese Xu Xiake: Chen Zhou who is legless

If you declaim you have experienced suffering and pain, Chen Zhou must have suffered a lot which is no less than yours. Chen Zhou, who was born in Shandong Province, has suffered a lot of miseries in his life. When Chen Zhou was six, his parents divorced. And he started to roam around the whole country when he was eight. What’s worse, he lost his legs felling off the train at thirteen. When he was eighteen, he learnt how to sing. Thereafter, he made the wooden boxes as his legs and sang through more than seven hundred cities nationwide.



In addition, he successively climbed Mount Wutai in Shanxi Province, Mount Jiuhua in Anhui Province, Mount Putuo in Zhejiang Province and Mount Wuyi in Fujian Province with strong willpower. Yes, Chen Zhou made it while many healthy people failed to do so. Without two legs, he struggled and supported his own excellent life with strength and confidence. With singing, he gradually realized his dream.


Once, he said: “Everyone has his own stage. And I hope I can bring people emotion with my singing and give them more confidence with my confidence. Moreover, I look forward to everyone’s excellent and brilliant life because of Chen Zhou!”


Human beings alive are to solve difficulties and it is the meaning and contents of life. To avoid the problem is not the solution. In return, facing the difficulties directly is often the best means to solve problems.


Hence, open your mind and gain positive energy at all times. No matter what happens, it always passes away. And you may feel pain for a while instead of feeling painful in all your life. Follow the positive energy and enjoy a happy and wonderful life!!!




美 ['ekskə.veɪt] 英 ['ekskəveɪt]



They plan to excavate a large hole before putting in the foundations.


Art and science are not implacable, but they can be excavated to have great potentials.



美['pæntə.maɪm] 英 ['pæntə.maɪm]



n. the use of movement and the expression of your face to communicate sth or to tell a story; (in Britain) a type of play with music, dancing and jokes, that is based on a fairy tale and is usually performed at Christmas; a ridiculous situation, usually with a lot of confusion


I know the pantomime to which you’re referring, it was really amusing.


They indulged in a very noisy pantomime and we were all shrieking with laughter.


When life is difficult and when everything turns bad, always remember that even a turtle can finish a race as long as it never gives up!


★ 作者:陈珺洁,感性与理性的融合,渴望汲取世间最美的精华,跨越世界去进行无止尽的修行!我在英语共读等你!

