What do I do when people make fun of my name


"What do I do when people make fun of my name?"


"Aww. That's sad."


I know being laughed at is a common fear. But below tips may help you a little.


Make fun of their clothes. Roast on them. "What are those?" Just fight back.


Take it right back at them, or just ignore them. I mean, stick and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.


Tell his parents or tell the teacher or the principal.


Just shake your head and say, "It's my parents' fault." And then, when you're old enough, go down and get it changed.

你可以摇摇头说:“那是我父母的错。” 然后,当你达到规定年龄时,你可以去改名字。

Shake it off! Who cares? That's their opinion. Who cares? They're just jerks.


I can definitely guarantee that your name is not the weirdest name out there, so don't even let it bother you. That's like, the most insignificant thing in the world.


Tell people, "Thank you," and you will realize that you're unique, and it's too bad that they're jealous they don't have a more interesting name.


What’s more, do not treat the taunt as a serious thing. You just have to love yourself, and if they make fun of you just ignore them.


