
Tendons must be examined with similar care. Start by testing for ‘passive tenodesis’. When the wrist is extended passively, the fingers automatically flex in a gentle and regular cascade; when the wrist is flexed, the fingers fall into extension. These actions rely upon the balanced tension of the opposing flexor and extensor tendons to the fingers; if a tendon is cut, the cascade will be disturbed.

Active movements are then tested for each individual tendon. Flexor digitorum profundus is tested by holding the proximal finger joint straight and instructing the patient to bend the distal joint. Flexor digitorum superficialis is tested by the examiner holding all the fingers together out straight, then releasing one and asking the patient to bend the proximal joint.Holding the fingers out straight ‘immobilizes’ all the deep flexors (including that of the finger being tested) which have a common muscle belly. However, in the index finger this test is not 100 per cent reliable because the deep flexor is sometimes separate. It is better to ask the patient to make a ‘circle’ between thumb and index (FDP intact) and a ‘buttonhole‘ (FDS intact).

If a tendon is only partly divided, it will still work although it may be painful. In full thickness skin lacerations, if there is any doubt about the integrity of the tendons, the wound should be explored.

X-rays may show fractures, foreign bodies, air or paint.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


the opposing flexor and extensor tendons相对的屈肌腱和伸肌腱

Flexor digitorum profundus指深屈肌

Flexor digitorum superficialis指浅屈肌

laceration /ˌlæsəˈreɪʃnz/n. [外科] 撕裂伤

integrity /ɪnˈteɡrəti/n. 完整;正直;诚实;廉正






