
The great bugbear of upper limb injuries is stiffness-particularly of the shoulder but sometimes of the elbow and hand as well. Two points should be constantly borne in mind:

· Whatever the injury, and however it is treated, all the joints that are not actually immobilized – and especially the finger joints – should be exercised from the start.

· In elderly patients it is sometimes best to disregard the fracture and concentrate on regaining movement.


In children the clavicle fractures easily, but it almost invariably unites rapidly and without complications. In adults this can be a much more troublesome injury. In adults clavicle fractures are common, accounting for 2.6–4 percent of fractures and approximately 35 percent of all shoulder girdle injuries. Fractures of the midshaft account for 69–82 percent, lateral fractures for 21–28 percent and medial fractures for 2–3 percent.

Mechanism of injury

A fall on the shoulder or the outstretched hand may break the clavicle. In the common mid-shaft fracture, the outer fragment is pulled down by the weight of the arm and the inner half is held up by the sternomastoid muscle. In fractures of the outer end, if the ligaments are intact there is little displacement; but if the coracoclavicular ligaments are torn, or if the fracture is just medial to these ligaments, displacement may be severe and closed reduction impossible.

Clinical features

The arm is clasped to the chest to prevent movement. A subcutaneous lump may be obvious and occasionally a sharp fragment threatens the skin. Though vascular complications are rare, it is prudent to feel the pulse and gently to palpate the root of the neck. Outer third fractures are easily missed or mistaken for acromioclavicular joint injuries.


Radiographic analysis requires at least an anteroposterior view and another taken with a 30 degree cephalic tilt. The fracture is usually in the middle third of the bone, and the outer fragment usually lies below the inner. Fractures of the outer third may be missed, or the degree of displacement underestimated, unless additional views of the shoulder are obtained. With medial third fractures it is also wise to obtain x-rays of the sternoclavicular joint. In assessing clinical progress, remember that ‘clinical’ union usually precedes ‘radiological’ union by several weeks.

CT scanning with three-dimensional reconstructions may be needed to determine accurately the degree of shortening or for diagnosing a sternoclavicular fracture-dislocation, and also to establish whether a fracture has united.


Clavicle fractures are usually classified on the basis of their location: Group I (middle third fractures), Group II (lateral third fractures) and Group III (medial third fractures). Lateral third fractures can be further sub-classified into (a) those with the coracoclavicular ligaments intact, (b) those where the coracoclavicular ligaments are torn or detached from the medial segment but the trapezoid ligament remains intact to the distal segment, and (c) factures which are intra-articular. An even more detailed classification proposed by Robinson (1998) is useful for managing data and comparing clinical outcomes.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》P687-688


bugbear /ˈbʌɡber/n. 怪物;棘手的难题;恐惧或烦恼的原因

invariably /ɪnˈveriəbli/adv. 总是;不变地;一定地

shoulder girdle上肢带骨

girdle  /ˈɡɜːrdl/n. 腰带;围绕物;妇女紧身褡vt. 围绕;绕…而行;用带子捆扎

outstretch /,aut'stretʃ/v. 伸展,伸出;超出……的范围

held up举起(提出,支持)

sternomastoid muscle胸骨乳突肌

coracoclavicular ligaments 喙锁韧带

clasp /klæsp/n. 扣子,钩子;握手

vt. 紧抱;扣紧;紧紧缠绕vi. 扣住

subcutaneous lump 皮下肿块 /ˌsʌbkjuˈteɪniəs/adj. 皮下的;皮下用的

prudent /ˈpruːdnt/adj. 谨慎的;精明的;节俭的

palpate /pælˈpeɪt/adj. (有)触须的v. 触诊

acromioclavicular joint 肩锁关节 /ə,krəumiəuklə'vikjulə/adj. 肩锁的

anteroposterior /,ætərəupɔs'tiəriə/adj. 前后的

30 degree cephalic tilt头侧倾斜30度 /sɪˈfælɪk/adj. [动] 头的

underestimate/ˌʌndərˈestɪmeɪt/n. 低估vt. 低估;看轻

sternoclavicular joint胸锁关节 /,stə:nəuklə'vikjulə/

adj. 胸锁的;胸骨锁骨的

CT scanning with three-dimensional reconstructions CT扫描与三维重建 /daɪmenʃənl,dɪmenʃənl/adj. 空间的;尺寸的

trapezoid ligament斜方韧带 /ˈtræpəzɔɪd/n. [数] 梯形;[数] 不规则四边形adj. 梯形的;[数] 不规则四边形的

intra-articular /,intrəɑ:'tikjulə/adj. 关节内的














