
据新闻社 PTI 报道,国务院发言人内德·普莱斯说:“当我们得到印度政府的批准后,我们准备迅速运送这些疫苗。”美国疫苗已经到达巴基斯坦、尼泊尔、不丹和孟加拉国。但是 内德·普莱斯说,对印度来说,这需要时间,因为紧急进口存在一些法律障碍。
新闻机构 ANI 援引俄罗斯特使尼古拉·库达舍夫 (Nikolay Kudashev) 的话说,单剂 Sputnik Light 新冠疫苗有望很快在印度推出。
印度喀拉拉邦政府在周二宣布的一项命令中宣布,该邦将于 7 月 17 日和 18 日全面封锁。
西孟加拉邦政府周三在全邦范围内将新冠病毒限制延长至 7 月 30 日。所有邦际火车、工厂、学校、学院和所有教育机构将保持关闭。
根据印度卫生部的数据,印度在过去 24 小时内报告了 38,792 例新增病例、41,000 例康复和 624 例死亡
接种疫苗总数:38,76,97,935(过去 24 小时内为 37,14,441)


印度储备银行周三禁止万事达卡亚太区从 7 月 22 日起接纳新的信用卡、借记卡和预付卡客户,因为它未能遵守数据存储规范。
The Reserve Bank on Wednesday barred Mastercard Asia Pacific from onboarding new credit, debit and prepaid card customers with effect from July 22 as it failed to comply with data storage norms.
The supervisory action will not impact existing customers of Mastercard, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said.
Several Indian states are considering implementing a controversial two-child policy and incentivising sterilisation as a means of population control.
Uttar Pradesh, Assam and Gujarat have announced draft legislation which would see anyone with more than two children denied benefits and in some cases government jobs.
A two-child policy has already been implemented in various forms in 12 states across India, but four states have since revoked it over lack of any evidence of impact.
Campaigners have warned that the policy disproportionately effects women, especially single mothers, and urged the government to focus on contraception and education means of population control. theguardian

India has officially asked the Canadian government to lift its ban on direct flights from New Delhi. That prohibition has been in place since April 22 and has been extended twice.
The request for early resumption of flights under the air corridor arrangement that came into place last summer was sent by India’s high commission in Ottawa to Global Affairs Canada, Canada’s foreign ministry, in the form of a formal diplomatic communiqué, a note verbale.
The current ban will expire on July 21 unless extended for a fourth time by the department of transportation. hindustantimes
在印度政府对 200 多个中国应用程序实施禁令一年多后,受欢迎的中国购物平台 SHEIN 准备在印度卷土重来。
更有趣的是,SHEIN 将通过亚马逊在印度重新推出。
More than a year after the Indian government imposed a ban on over 200 Chinese apps, popular China-based shopping platform SHEIN is ready to make a comeback in India.
What is even more interesting is that SHEIN will relaunch in India through Amazon. india.com
白沙瓦:北京称,周三在巴基斯坦西北部一辆公共汽车上发生炸弹袭击,造成 12 人死亡,其中 9 名是中国工人,并呼吁严惩,但伊斯兰堡将爆炸归咎于“气体泄漏”。
这辆巴士载着大约 40 名中国工程师、测量员和机械人员前往开伯尔 - 普赫图赫瓦省的一个水电大坝施工现场。
Peshawar:Beijing said nine Chinese workers were among 12 people killed Wednesday by a bomb attack on a bus in northwestern Pakistan and called for severe punishment, but Islamabad blamed the explosion on a "gas leak".
The bus was carrying around 40 Chinese engineers, surveyors and mechanical staff to a hydropower dam construction site in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.
Pakistan's foreign ministry in a statement said the bus "plunged into a ravine after a mechanical failure, resulting in leakage of gas that caused a blast". NDTV
The Tirupati Urban police arrested two Chinese nationals near Renigunta in Tuesday on charges of overstaying beyond the period of their Visa. thehindu
印度:2020 年 12 月,四名中国公民因涉嫌使用严苛的追偿方法运营即时贷款应用程序而被捕,其中三人已获得保释。海得拉巴的两个警察局对这些中国公民提起了诉讼。
Three of the four Chinese nationals arrested in December 2020 for allegedly operating instant loan apps that used harsh recovery methods have gotten bail. Cases were booked against these Chinese nationals across two police commissionerates in Hyderabad.
Only the Hyderabad commissionerate had filed a preliminary charge sheet to prevent bail for one of the key accused in the loan app cases.
Reports suggest that three Chinese nationals secured bail after Cyberabad cyber crime police delayed filing chargesheets. Rachakonda ACP Harinath told TNM that theic case did not involve these individuals. thenewsminute
新德里,7月14日(ANI):周三,德里法院将自由记者拉吉夫·夏尔马(Rajeev Sharma)送交司法拘留。夏尔马因涉嫌向中国情报官员泄露和提供敏感信息而被印度执法局逮捕。
New Delhi [India], July 14 (ANI): A Delhi Court on Wednesday sent Rajeev Sharma, a freelance journalist arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) for alleged leakage and supply of sensitive information to Chinese intelligence officers, to judicial custody.
Additional Sessions Judge Dharmender Rana on Wednesday sent Sharma to judicial custody for 14 days at the request of ED.
Meanwhile, the hearing on bail application was adjourned to July 16 as ED sought more time to file a reply in the matter. ANI
班加罗尔:法庭向 35 岁的中国妇女胡某和 31 岁的董某提供有条件保释,她们因涉嫌 29 亿卢比的国际哈瓦拉和洗钱活动而被捕。
BENGALURU: A sessions court granted conditional bail to Chinese women, Hu, 35, and Dong, 31, who were arrested in connection with the Rs 290-crore international hawala and money laundering racket. TOI