『雕塑头条』卡门 Kamen Tanev丨2018中国·铜川“玄奘之路”国际雕塑创作营入选艺术家


高蒙(特邀,中国)、坦尼亚Tanya Preminger(特邀,以色列)、林胜煌Lin Shenghuang(特邀,旅居日本的华人雕塑家)、田中Hitoshi Tanaka(日本)、皮特Petre Petrov(保加利亚)、卡门Kamen Tanev(保加利亚)、尤里Yury Tkachenko(俄罗斯)、瓦力里Valerian Jikia(格鲁吉亚)、崔绍东SoDong Choe(韩国)、金元根Kim Wongeun(韩国)、尤金Eugen Petri(罗马尼亚)、乔治Djordje Cpalak(塞尔维亚)、乃丁Nedim Hadziahmetovic(塞尔维亚)、阿依汗Ayhan Kayapinr(土耳其)、迦南Canan Zöngür(土耳其)、米格尔Miguel Isla(西班牙)、艾斯马勒Esmaeil Sahandiyan(伊朗)、蓝之峰(中国)、邓善琪(中国台湾)、蒋楚(中国)





Free Formation

It represents theintensive process of formation, as an effort of the natural forces to create anorder in the chaos. The sculpture consists of several spheres inserted in amembrane. Leaving traces on its surface, they remind of the construction, existingin a shapeless at first sight form. The sculpture will be build by severalspheres, which together construct a spiral.

Shape formation is thebasic matter in my work. The process of its differentiation in space followsits own inner logic. The latest trend in my groping comes one step closer to the liberation of the shape from the creator’s will. As a perfect container,the sphere reincarnates the idea best way. The spherical elements initiallypopped out in my mind when looked at tennis balls closed in vacuum. They evokethe impression of something organic, of a unique life form. I have begun toexplore these shapes in different types of space and invarying scales.

其 他 作 品





教育:1987-1992年 索非亚美术中学;1994-1998年 索非亚国立美术学院,雕塑学士;1998-2000年 索非亚国立美术学院,雕塑硕士

2005-2007年 索非亚国立美术学院 雕塑副教授

会员:2003年至今 保加利亚艺术家联合会会员、国际艺术协会IAA/UNESCO成员


2015 2015中国西宁“昆仑神韵天工开物”奖城市主题雕塑大赛,优秀奖,中国西宁

2014 丽宝国际雕塑双年奖,三等奖,中国台湾

2013 南京国际体育雕塑大赛,优秀奖,中国南京

2011 首届中国牡丹江镜泊湖国际公共艺术节,一等奖

2005 第16届西班牙O Grove国际雕塑创作营,二等奖

2005 法国蒙布里松第十届国际雕塑创作营,二等奖

2005  “Regard vers les V Jeux de la Francophonie”国家美术大赛,一等奖,Sredetz画廊,保加利亚索非亚

2003 法国蒙布里松第九届国际雕塑创作营,评委会奖

2003 “Stone in Galilee”第十二届国际雕塑创作营,一等奖,以色列马洛特塔尔希哈


2018 “小纪念碑”,Intro画廊,保加利亚索非亚

2016 “自由形成”雕塑作品展,Myro画廊,希腊塞萨洛尼基

2015 “创世纪”雕塑展,凯悦酒店,希腊塞萨洛尼基

2014 “创世纪”雕塑展,Myro画廊,希腊塞萨洛尼基

2005 “创世记”艺术作品展,国家美术馆,保加利亚索非亚

1996 雕塑作品展,俄罗斯文化中心,保加利亚索非亚

BirthDay:3 February 1973




1987-1992 FINE ARTS COLEGE, Sofia – High SchoolDiploma

2005-2007 Associate Professor  in sculpture at the National Academy of FineArts, Sofia


Since2003 Member of Union of BulgarianArtists affliated to the International Association of Art IAA/UNESCO


2015 Honorable Prize - 2015 Xining"Kunlun Verve Heavenly Creations Award”. Xining, China

2014 Third prize – Lih-PaoInternational Sculpture Biennial Awards, Taipei, Taiwan

2013 Honorable prize - NanjingInternational Sports Sculpture Competition, Youth Olympic Games – Nanjing,China

2011 First prize -  The 1st International Public Art Festival ofMudanjiang Jingpo Lake 2011, China

2005 Second prize  -  XVIInternational Sculpture Symposium, O Grove, Spain

2005 Second prize  - 10th International Sculpture Symposium,Montbrison, France

2005 First prize -  “Regard vers les V Jeux de la Francophonie” -National Fine Art Competition, Sredetz Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria

2003 Jury’s prize  - 9th International Sculpture Symposium,Montbrison, France

2003 First prize - 12th InternationalSculpture Symposium “Stone in Galilee”,Ma’alot-Tarshiha, Israel

2002 Prize for the best Interpretation - Internationalen St. Blasier holzbildhauer-wettbewerb,St. Blasien, Germany

2002 Second prize  - 7eme Symposium International de sculpture ART DANS L’ORNE, Ecouche,France

2001 Artist prize  - “14eme Symposium de sculpture sur bois de St-Pierre de Chartreuse”,


1995 Second prize  - “Fare Arte inSardenja ‘95”  - Sculpture Simposium inItaly

One ManExhibitions

2018 “Small monument” – Intro Gallery,Sofia, Bulgaria

2016 “Free Formation” – SculptureExhibition, Myro Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece

2015 “Genesis” - Sculpture Exhibition,Hyatt Regency, Thessaloniki, Greece

2014 “Genesis” – Sculpture Exhibition,Myro Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece

2005 “Genesis” – Fine Art Exhibition,National Public Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria

1996 Sculpture Exhibition in Russian Center of Culture – Sofia, Bulgaria


2017 “Quindao Sculpture Gallery “ –Quindao, China

2017 Hualien Country Stone SculpturalMuseum – Hualien, Taiwan

2016 Yungang International ArtExhibition of Sculpture”, China Sculpture Museum, Datong, China

2016 “Cao Cao Cup ● Heavenly Creations Award” Bozhou, China

2015 “Greek Marble Initiative” –Sculpture Exhibition, Myro Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece

2014 “Greek Marble Initiative” –Sculpture Exhibition, Myro Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece

2010 “Sculpture exhibition” – CarlosWoods Gallery, Guatemala city, Guatemala

2009 Hualien Country Stone SculpturalMuseum – Hualien, Taiwan

2007 “24” – Contemporary ArtExhibition,  P. K. Yavorov library,Burgas city, Bulgaria

2007 “Buitenlanders” – Exhibition,Donkersvoort Gallery, Beek en Donk, Netherlands

2007 “Carlos Wood’s Gallery Exhibition”– Sculpture exhibition, Carlos Woods Gallery, Guatemala city, Guatemala

2007 “Real spaces - sculptures anddrawings” – Exhibition, Arts Hall, Bratislava, Slovakia

2006  “Pierre espace” – Sculptureexposition, Park Colonial, Bruxelles, Belgium

2006  “Monochrome” – Fine ArtExhibition, regional library, Burgas, Bulgaria

2006 “Small Monuments” – InternationalSculpture Exhibition, MK21 Galerie, Hamburg, Germany

2005 “Small Monuments” – InternationalSculpture Exhibition, Gallery Exelmans, Neeroeteren, Belgium

2005 “Small Monuments” – InternationalSculpture Exhibition, Gallery Donkersvoort, Beek en Donk,The Netherlands

2005 “Little Season” – Fine ArtExhibition, Sfumato Theatre, Sofia, Bulgaria

2005  “Regard vers les V Jeux de laFrancophonie” - National Fine Art Competition, Sredetz Gallery,Sofia, Bulgaria

2004 “Light and Shadow” - NationalSculpture exhibition, Shipka 6 Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria

2004 “Cite international des arts” -National Fine Arts Competition, Shipka 6 Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria

2004 Level minus One - Fine ArtsExhibition, Music House, Sofia, Bulgaria

2004 Foundation “Sv. Sv. Kiril iMetodiy” Award - Shipka 6 Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria

2004 The Man and His Symbols - FineArts Exhibition - National Palace of Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria

2004 De Stenen Poort - InternationalSculpture Exhibition, Borkel En Schaft, the Netherlands

2004 New Members of the Union ofBulgarian Artists - Fine Arts Exhibition - Shipka 6 Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria

2003 Sculpture Exhibition in the SalaDel Consiglio Comunale del Comune di San Benedetto, Italy

2003 Stonwashed - InternationalSculpture Exhibition, Mistelbach, Austria

2002 Sculpture Exhibition, Krastal,Austria

1999 15 Years Theatre “Dialog” -Spatial Installation in front of the Public Gallery – Sofia, Bulgaria

1999 Weltall, Sculpture Exhibition -Cologne, Germany

1999 Weltall, Sculpture Exhibition -Colombo, India

1998 Sculpture Exhibition “Agora”Gallery - Cologne, Germany

1997 Sculpture Exhibition, NATFA –Sofia, Bulgaria

1996 Sculpture Exhibition, Shipka 6Gallery – Sofia, Bulgaria


2017 “MUSIC and HARMONY",sandstone, 400 x 200 x 70 cm Yulin, Suide, China

2017 “FREE FORMATION”, granite, 200 х170 х 100 cm, Tehran, Iran

2017 “MONKEY CALL”, limestone, 150 x150 x 70cm, Chiayi, Taiwan

2016 “DYNAMIC  LINKS”, marble, 200 x 150 x 70cm, Izmir,Turkey

2016 “MOVEMENT”, granite,250 x 120 x120cm, Tabriz, Iran

2016 “APOLLO”, granite, 250 x 160 x50cm Ufa, Russia

2015  “GENESIS, bronze, 180 x 180 x110 cm, Taichung, Taiwan

2015 “GENESIS”, marble, 230 x 120 x120cm, Champagnole, France

2015 "WOMAN", marble, 230 x 70x 40cm, Thessaloniki, Greece

2015 "APOLLO", marble, 250 x160 x 50cm, Thessaloniki, Greece

2015 "MUSIC and HARMONY",marble, 230 x 130 x 50cm Thessaloniki, Greece

2014 “GENESIS”, marble, 285 x 120 x 63cm, Hualien, Taiwan

2014 "MAGIC TABLE", marble 130x 100 x 80cm, Thessaloniki, Greece

2014 "TWO", marble, 150 x 135x 80cm, Thessaloniki, Greece

2014 "GENESIS", red marble,230 x 75 x 75cm, Thessaloniki, Greece

2014 "COLUMN", marble, 230 x 40 x 40cm, Thessaloniki, Greece

2013 "ATLAS",marble, 220 x 80x 70 cm, Thessaloniki, Greece

2013 “UNITY”, bronze, 800 x 300 x 170cm, Nanjing, China

2013 “APOLLO”, granite, 160 x 110 x 50cm, Thessaloniki, Greece

2013 "LINKS", marble, 220 x 80x 70 cm, Myro Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece

2013 “GENESIS”, marble, 160 x 160 x 60cm, Thessaloniki, Greece

2013 "LINKS", marble, 220 x80 x 70 cm, Myro Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece

2013 "LINKS", Thassosmarble, 300 x 120 x x60 cm, Myro Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece

2013 “LINKS”, marble, 230 x 200 x 60cm, Istanbul, Turkey

2013 “Mrs. BEAN”, limestone, 170 x 75x 75 cm, Luneville, France

2012 “GENESIS II”, marble, 210 x 190 x105 cm BenQ, Taiwan

2012 “APOLLO”, marble, 250 x 250 x 60cm, Penza, Russia

2012 “FREE”, marble, 220 x 180 x 60cm, Keshan, Turkey

2012 “LINKS”, marble, 300 x 110 x 50 cm,Luleburgaz, Turkey

2012 “MOVEMENT”, granite 210 x 120 x120 cm, Aswan, Egypt

2011 "GENESIS", marble, 230x 180 x 130 cm, BenQ, Taiwan

2011 “MOTION”, red granite, 250 x 200 x 50 cm,Hui an, China

2011 “CONNECTION”, marble, 200 x 200x50 cm, Penza, Russia

2011 "LINKS", marble, 220 x170 x 70 cm, Istanbul, Turkey

2011 "PACE", marble, 150 x 90x 75 cm, Ma'alot Tarshiha, Izrael

2010 "MOTION", marble, 230 x150 x 70 cm, Adana, Turkey

2010 "LINKS", wood, 430 x 230x 280 cm, "Antonis Tritsis" park, Athens

2010 "MATTER ANDSPIRIT",limestone, 160 x 160 x 50 cm, Ma’a lot-Tarshiha, Izrael

2010 "LINKS",marble, 240 x 220x 80 cm, Guatemala City, Guatemala

2009 "LINKS",limestone, 270 x150 x 140 cm, Damascus, Syria

2009 "LINKS",marble, 230 x 110x 120 cm, Istanbul, Turkey

2009 "INTERIOR", limestone, 200 x 100 x100 cm, Ma’alot-Tarshiha, Israel

2008 "POLYPHONY", Thassosmarble, 240 x 180 x 70 cm, Keramoti-Kavala, Greece

2008 "FRAGMENT", limestone,220 x 180 x 70 cm, Champagnole, France

2008 "FLOWERING", marble, 200x 200 x 130 cm, Mersin, Turkey

2008 "GENESIS", carraramarble, 250 x 220 x 100 cm, Cairo, Egypt

2007 “GERM”, marble, 190 x 180 x 160cm, Mersin, Turkey

2007 “INTERIOR”, marble, 200 x 200 x200 cm, Ankara, Turkey

2007 “BAND”, marble, 200 x 150 x 120cm, Saraylar(Marmara island), Turkey

2007 “FRAGMENTO DE LA MEMORIA”, redtraventine, 300 x 50 x 50 cm, Almeria, Spain

2007 “GENESIS”, marble, 230 x 130 x120 cm, Guatemala City, Guatemala

2006 “INTERIOR”, marble, 240 x 90 x50 cm, Alanya, Turkey

2006 “ALIEN”, wood, 220 x 210 x 180cm, Degirmendere, Turkey

2006 “CONNECTION”, marble, 180 x 130x 120 cm, Weissenstein, Austria

2006 “POLIPHONY”, basalt, 140 x 110 x60 cm, Balatonfured, Hungary

2005 “MUSIC AND HARMONY”, redgranite, 200 x 200 x 100 cm, O Grove, Spain

2005 “FOUNTAIN”, limestone, 140 x 135x 100 cm, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

2005 “INTERIOR”, traventine, 160 x130 x 150 cm, San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy

2005 “COMPRESSION”, petty granite,180 x 60 x 30 cm, Vyle-Tharoul,    Belgium

2004 “WIND”, marble, 120 x 180 x 90cm, Egirdir, Isparta, Turkey

2004 “BORN IN THE FOAM”, sandstone,140 x 115 x 60 cm, Paratico, Italy

2004 THE BEAN”, red wood, 350 x 130x 130 cm, Wales, UK

2003 “HARMONY”, sandstone, 230 x 120 x 60cm, Fanano, Italy

2003 “PIECE OF TIME”, traventine, 120x 120 x 100 cm, San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy

2003 “THE DOOR”, limestone, 170 x 75 x75 cm, Montbrison, France

2003 “FREE”, limestone, 250 x 230 x 220 cm,Ma’alot-Tarshiha, Israel

2002 “MOVEMENT”, granite, 230 x 100 x80 cm, Ecouche, France

2002 “SONG”, granite, 115 x 100 x 80cm, La Bresse, France

2002 “Monument of deported greec jewsduring The Second World War”, granite, 260 x 350 x 350 cm, Didymoteixo, Grece

1999 “MOTION”, granite, 115 x 150 x 50cm, National Academy of Fine Arts yard – Sofia, Bulgaria

1995 “IDOL”, sand stone, 150 x 50 x 50cm, Sardinia, Italy

