
Unit 1


【单词】家庭成员类 :grandpa grandma father mother

brother sister aunt(阿姨)    teacher       student

职业类:farmer worker driver  nurse  doctor

teacher student cook policeman

形容词:great(伟大的) kind(慈祥的)


1.What is your...?         2.Is your mother a...?      3.What is he/she?

He/She is a...            No,she isn`t.She is a...      She/He is a...

What about...?         4.I want to be a...

He/She is a...

What are you ?  I am a        .

What is he/ she?  He/She is a       .

What is your father?  My father is a        .

What are your ____ and _____?

My  ____ and _____ are ______s.(职业加S)


Are you a ____?  Yes , I am. / No, I am not.

Is he/she a      ? Yes, He/she is. / No, he/she is not.


Who is he/she ? He/ she is        。(家庭成员类)。


I want to be a       .(职业)

He  wants  to  be  a       .(职业).<单数人称别忘记加s>

Unit 2


【单词】动物园动物:lion tiger elephant  panda monkey

农场动物:cat dog  rabbit  horse cow duck  pig          sheep(不加S)----goat hen duck

介词短语:on the farm  in the box/classroom/bedroom


What do you/they have on the farm?I /They have ____ on the farm.

What does he/she have on the farm? He/she has       on the farm.

What are they?                     They`re farmers/workers/...

2、否定句:I/ they don’t have any horses.

He/she doesn’t have any horses.


Does he have any balls in his box?Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t.

4、There be 句型:There is a/an         介词短语 。

There are many      (复数)  介词短语

【语法】1、变否定句:在句中找be 、 can.有be 、 can在be 、 can后添not;没有be 、 can,在主语人称后添don’t 或 doesn’t.(I you we they 复数人称添don’t,he she it 单数人称添doesn’t)

2、变一般疑问句:在句中找be 、 can.有be 、 can把be 、 can提前;没有be 、 can,在句子开头添do 或 does,动词变回原形.(I you we they 复数人称添do,he she it 单数人称添does)

3、have / has 用法:I you we they 复数人称用have,he she it 单数人称用has.

Unit 3


【单词】一日三餐:breakfast lunch    dinner (supper)

食物类:rice    noodles dumplings meat

chicken soup ( 全部不可加S)

【短语】very much (非常) very little(很少)

at home(在家)welcome (欢迎)


What`s for breakfast/lunch/dinner?       —We have.......

What is for breakfast?  I have      for breakfast.

What do you have for breakfast? I have      for breakfast.

What does he/she have for breakfast? He/she has      for breakfast.

2、一般疑问句:(你早餐吃  吗?)Do you have...

Do you have   for breakfast?    Yes, I do./No,I don’t.   /No,we don`t./Very little.

Does he have   for breakfast? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.

3、Dinner is ready.(晚餐准备好了。)

Unit 4


【单词】动词短语:一日三餐 have brealfast/ lunch/ dinner/ supper

get up --go to bed go home --- go to school

have classes (have a class) play games watch TV

反义词:big ---small long--- short  early---late

介词短语:in the morning / afternoon/ evening

at night(在几点钟也用at)at school at home

When does your father/mother+动词短语?   He/She...


When do you play games? I play games at seven o’clock.

When does he play games? He plays games at seven o’clock.

结构形式:When do you+动词短语?   I动词短语 at 时间 。


Do you play games at school? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

Does she go to bed early?  Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t.


Do you+动词短语?Yes/NO  I/We  do/don’t  she/he   does/doesn’t.

3、Early to bed and early to rise.(早睡早起身体好)

Unit 5


【单词】场所类介词短语:at the school gate in the classroom

in the teacher’s officein the library/toilet/garden

on the playground

名词:computer desk chair短语:of course(当然了)

There be 句型

1.This is...            2.Those are...           3.There is....



what is in your school/ classroom?There is/are

2、There be 句型一般疑问句:

Is there a         ?   Yes ,there is. / No, there isn’t.

Are there any        ?(复数)  Yes ,there are. / No, there aren’t.

【语法】1、There be 句型be的用法:There be 句型人称在be的后边,be的用法采取就近原则。单数人称用is ,复数人称用are. 如:

There is a pen and two rulers.

There are two rulers and a pen.

2、some和any用法:some和any 都表示一些,some用于肯定句,any用于否定句和一般疑问句。

Unit 6


【单词】科目类:(subjects) Chinese Math English

PE Music ArtScience ME

反义词:tall---short big---smalllong---short

短语:Let me see.(让我想一想)

【句型】1、问“你有多少门科目?”用特殊疑问词Hw many subjects:

How many subjects do you have? I have         subjects.

How many subjects does he have? He has         subjects.

2、问“你有什么科目?”用特殊疑问词What subjects:

What subjects do you have? I have

What subjects does he have? He has

Eg:What subjects do they have this morning?We have……


What subjects do you like? I like

What subjects does he like? He likes

4、一般疑问句:Do you like     ?  Yes, I do . / No I don’t.

Does he like     ?  Yes, he does . / No he doesn’t.

5、“你擅长于它么?”:Are you good at it?  Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

Unit 7


【单词】 星期类(Week):Sunday Monday Tuesday  WednesdayThursday FridaySaturday


Monday     Mon,       Tuesday   Tue.      Wednesdat   Wed.

Thursday   Thur.         Friday   Fri.        Saturday    Sat.

Sunday     Sun.

短语:draw some pictures(画画)  every day (每天)

【句型】1、问“今天星期几?”用特殊疑问词“What day”:

What day is it today?It’s         .(星期)

What day is today? It’s         .(星期)

2、问“你做什么?“What do you do?  I  动词短语 。

What does he do? He 动词短语  (加s) 。

【语法】1、介词 in on at 用法:在早晨、在中午、在晚上用in,在夜晚,在几点钟用at ,在星期几用on.

What does ... do on...?

2、一般时态:一般时态构成形式主语人称+动词,动词随人称发生变化,I you we they 复数人称动词用原型(不变),he she it 单数人称动词加s或es.

Unit 8


【单词】 动词短语: play basketball play football

sing songs draw a picture jump rope

swim dancerun

短语:after school  after class every morning

Wait for me(等我)   be late(迟到)


What do you like to do?   I like to 动词短语

What does he like to do?  He likes to动词短语

2、一般疑问句:“你喜欢做什么吗?”Like to do  sth

Do you like to动词短语 ?     Yes, I do./ No, I don’t

Does he like to动词短语 ?   Yes, he does./ No, He doesn’t

3、Let’s play together.(让我们一起玩。)

4、What do you like to do after class?        I like...

3、Does...like...?      Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesn’t.

